brhlíka lesného (Sitta europaea) v
rozličných habitaoch v mestskom prostredí
Roosting of the Eurasian Nuthatch (Sitta
europaea) in various habitats of city
Martin MATEJKA, Hana
Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural
Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava,
Ilkovičova 6, 842 15
Bratislava, Slovakia; e-mail:
Martin GERA
Meteorology Division, Department of Astronomy,
Physics of the Earth, and Meteorology and
Climatology, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and
Informatics, Comenius University in Bratislava,
Mlynská dolina F1, 842 48 Bratislava, Slovakia
The Eurasian Nuthatch is a common bird species
that uses artificial nest boxes for roosting
in many areas across Europe. However, the
knowledge about its roosting habits in urban
habitats is lacking. In our study, conducted
across three study sites in the city of
Bratislava (forest, and two parklands), we
observed this species roosting 151 times (1.7%
of 9153 checked boxes). The mean nest-box
occupancy by roosting Nuthatches, as well as
their proportion among roosting birds,
decreased from oakwood to parklands, varied
significantly between checks, seasons, and was
positively correlated with the number of
roosting Great Tits. Mean relative air
humidity and precipitation between 18:00 and
19:00 positively influenced nest box
occupancy. The number of roosting Nuthatches
also varied within a single winter (October to
February), with the highest numbers recorded
in November and December. A significant
prevalence of recorded males was observed only
in two parklands (accounting for 83.3% N = 18
and 79.2%, N = 22 of all records,
respectively), while in woodland habitat, the
sex ratio was nearly equal (males comprised
51.1%, N=94). Within a single winter season,
36.2% of roosting birds (N =58) were faithful
to their roosting locality (i.e., recorded
more than once in the season), with a mean
fidelity rate of 0.1. Individuals recaptured
over multiple winter seasons were observed
only in the woodland area, accounting for
17.1% (N =35).
Citácia / Cite as
Matejka M., Tomanovičová H., Gera M. &
Országhová Z. 2024: Roosting of the Eurasian
Nuthatch (Sittaeuropaea) in various
habitats of city environment. Tichodroma 36: 25–37.