Tichodroma 36 (2024):  DOI: 10.31577/tichodroma.2024.36.2

Pôvodná práca / Original paper

Veľkosť hniezdnej podložky nemá vplyv na charakteristiky hniezdenia vodnára potočného (Cinclus cinclus)

No association between nest-box size and breeding parameters in White-throated Dipper (Cinclus cinclus)

Miroslav FULÍN

Puškinova 15, 083 01 Sabinov, Slovakia


Správa Pieninského národného parku, SNP 57, 061 01 Spišská Stará Ves, Slovakia


Správa Pieninského národného parku, SNP 57, 061 01 Spišská Stará Ves, Slovakia


Správa Pieninského národného parku, SNP 57, 061 01 Spišská Stará Ves, Slovakia


Institute of Forest Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Ľ. Štúra 2, 960 01 Zvolen, Slovakia;
e-mail: benjamin.jarcuska@gmail.com

Abstract: Nest-box size itself may influence clutch size. In this study, we analysed the variation in clutch size and brood size (number of fledglings at ringing) in relation to nest-box size in the White-throated Dipper. Nest-boxes were open on three sides (i.e. nesting shelves; n = 35). The internal base area of the nesting shelves varied from 237.5 to 587.5 cm2. The shelves were located under the bridges along an elevation gradient of 500 m in the Levočské vrchy Mts. and Spišská Magura Mts., north-eastern Slovakia. Data were collected during the breeding seasons 2013–2023. Only
data from first clutches were considered. Mean clutch size was 5.3 eggs (SD=1.0, range 2–7, n=43 clutches), mean brood size was 4.9 fledglings (SD=1.0, range 2–6, n=52 clutches). There was no association between clutch size and the base area of the nesting shelf in dipper (simple linear regression: F=0.061, d. f.=1, 41, R2adj.=-0.02, P=0.806, slope estimate (SE)=0.0004 (0.0015)). Similarly, dipper brood size was not associated with nesting shelf size (F=0.869, d.f.=1, 50, R2adj.=-0.003, P=0.356, slope (SE)=0.0013 (0.0014)). Elevation had no effect on clutch or brood size. Observed pattern of variation in clutch and brood size in relation to nest-box size can be explained by the nest-box design, which does not impose physical limits on the size of the nest itself. Another nest box design – a front-open nest-box – could affect dipper clutch size by spatially restricting its nest.

Key words: clutch size, brood size, fledling number, breeding succes, nest-box size, altitude

Citácia / Cite as
Fulín M., Revický M., Kĺč V., Kĺčová Kunštárová V. & Jarčuška B. 2024: Veľkosť hniezdnej podložky nemá vplyv na charakteristiky hniezdenia vodnára potočného (Cinclus cinclus). Tichodroma 36:  DOI:10.31577/tichodroma.2024.36.2

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