a diverzita hniezdnej ornitocenózy podhorskej
obce v Javorníkoch (severozápadné Slovensko) Structure and diversity of a breeding bird
assemblage of a foothills village in the
Javorníky Mts. (NW Slovakia)
Martin KORŇAN Katedra aplikovanej zoológie a manažmentu zveri,
Lesnícka fakulta, Technická univerzita vo Zvolene,
T. G. Masaryka 20, 960 01 Zvolen, Slovakia; e-mail:
Centrum pre ekologické štúdie, Ústredie 14, 013 62
Veľké Rovné, Slovakia
Abstract. Studies of bird assemblage
ecology of Slovak suburban sites are uncommon in the
Slovak ornithological literature. The objective of
this study is to describe basic community
characteristics of breeding bird assemblage of a
foothills village Veľké Rovné in the Javorníky Mts.
and compare results with the exiting studies from
Slovakia. Bird counts were conducted by fixed radius
(100 m) point count method (n = 20 points per
season) twice during the breeding season in the
period 2017–2021. In total, 53 species (three
absenting in points) (range 30–38 per year in
samples) were detected in the village during
five-year study. There were six dominant species (≥
5%): Fringilla coelebs (14.84%), Sylvia
atricapilla (12.08%), Cyanistes caeruleus
(7.80%), Phoenicurus ochruros (6.86%), Parus
major (6.33%) and Motacilla cinerea
(5.45%). The mean total assemblage density was
estimated on 54.27 ind./10 ha (σ = 5.07, n = 5)
varying from 48.06 to 61.91 ind./10 ha per year.
Significant differences in total bird abundance per
points among years were not detected by Friedman
test. Monte Carlo individual-based rarefaction
detected significant differences among years in
species richness and Shannon index in large
subsample of individuals, no differences were
detected in absolute theoretical species richness
(Chao 1 estimator). Total assemblage density was
comparable to some of previous studies, yet some
differences were found in dominant species
Key words: bird community, structure,
species richness, diversity, point counts, rural
Citácia / Cite as
Korňan M.: Štruktúra a diverzita hniezdnej
ornitocenózy podhorskej obce v Javorníkoch
(severozápadné Slovensko).
Tichodroma 33: 21–31. DOI: