Tichodroma 20 (2008)
Pôvodné práce
- Šotnár
Krištín A., Sárossy M. & Harvančík S.: K
potravnej ekológii výrika lesného (Otus scops)
na severnej hranici areálu
- Chavko
J. & Maderič B.: Výskyt dropa fúzatého
(Otis tarda) na Slovensku v rokoch 2000–2008
- Bohuš
Hniezdne dutiny krakle belasej (Coracias
garrulus) na poslednom známom hniezdisku na
- Veľký
& Kaňuch P.: Vplyv rôzneho prostredia na
hniezdnu úspešnosť sýkorky veľkej (Parus
- Danko
Migrácia, zimovanie a hniezdenie myšiarky
močiarnej (Asio flammeus) na východnom
- Danko
Hniezdenie kane popolavej (Circus pygargus) na
východnom Slovensku
- Ridzoň
Chládecký B., Krajč T. & Adamec M.:
Zimovanie kormoránov veľkých (Phalacrocorax
carbo) na Slovensku v rokoch 2005–2008
- Musil
Darolová A., Jureček R., Musilová Z.,
Podhrázský M. & Slabeyová K.: Dlouhodobé
změny početnosti zimujících hus v České
republice a na Slovenskuv
letech 1991–2007
- Slabeyová
Zimovanie a migrácia vodného vtáctva na Hornom
Podunajsku: sezónne a poveternostné vzťahy
- Baláž
Štruktúra hniezdneho spoločenstva hornej
hranice lesa v oblasti Národnej prírodnej
rezervácie Osobitá, Západné Tatry
- Kalivodová
Porovnanie ornitocenózy Bábskeho
dubovo-hrabového lesa (Z Slovensko) po 40
- Krištín
Vtáctvo vybraných agrocenóz a vodných nádrží
Nitrianskej pahorkatiny (JZ Slovensko): oblasť
plánovaná pre výstavbu veterných elektrární
- Šolomeková
Vtáky štálového osídlenia v okolí Novej Bane
(stredné Slovensko)
- Kaňuščák
Výskyt vtákov na vodnej nádrži Sĺňava počas
zmeny vodného režimu
- Slobodník
Šolomeková T. & Slobodník R.: Vtáctvo
Košských mokradí vzniknutých banskou činnosťou
v Hornonitrianskej kotline (stredné Slovensko)
- Trnka
Literák I., Sychra O. & Podzemný P.: Jarný
odchyt vtákov v Národnej prírodnej rezervácii
Parížske močiare (JZ Slovensko)
- Repel
& Kropil R.: Vtáky v zmenených podmienkach
prostredia postihnutého vetrovou kalamitou
(Vysoké Tatry): vybrané pozorovania
- Kerestúr
& Mojžiš M.: Vtáctvo močiara pri Béteri
(Lučenec, stredné Slovensko) v rokoch
- Kočí
K populačným trendom a hniezdnej biológii
strakoša sivého (Lanius excubitor) v širšom
okolí Piešťan (Z Slovensko)
Krátke správy
potravnej ekológii výrika lesného (Otus scops)
na severnej hranici areálu
On foraging ecology of
the Scops Owl (Otus scops) at the northern limit
of its area
Karol ŠOTNÁR, Anton
Gavloviča 1/5, 971 01
Prievidza, Slovakia; karol_sotnar@post.sk;
Institute of Forest Ecology SAS, Štúrova 2, 960 53
Zvolen, Slovakia; kristin@savzv.sk; M. R.
Štefánika 43, 082 21 Veľký Šariš, Slovakia;
sarossy@changenet.sk; State Nature Conservany SR,
PLA Ponitrie, Samova 1, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia;
The species is
endangered at northern limit of its area and
reasons are not known. In its diet were determined
in total 884 food subjects belonging to 29 taxa.
Markedly dominant were insects (97.9%), rare were
spiders (0.5%), birds (0.8%) and small mammals
(0.8%). The bush-cricket Tettigonia viridissima
(87.6%) was the most important and preferred prey
species. The analysis of the video-records and
photographs taken at young’s feeding has not
resulted in finding any food preference associated
with the young’s age. Preferred foraging strategy
was perching and flying onto twigs and leaves of
trees and shrubs. Another observed foraging
strategy was flying onto flying bush crickets,
beetles and butterflies within a layer of 2–6 m
above the ground and less frequently flying from a
perch onto the ground layer and onto the soil
surface. The parents provide their young in the
nest mostly with undivided food subjects. In young
less than four days in age, the parents tear
larger food subjects and divide them in the nest
hole. But already the young owls 4–5 days old
mostly swallow whole prey items in size of T.
– in spite of the fact
that the prey frequently reaches 20–40% of the
body length of the birds. The young owls were fed
with a frequency of 1.4–11 feedings/ hour (n = 3
nests/ 11 nights), what is less compared to the
generally recognized reports from the
Mediterranean (5–18/ hour, n = 5 nests/ 5 nights).

fúzatého (Otis tarda) na Slovensku v rokoch
Occurrence of the Great
Bustard (Otis tarda) in Slovakia during 2000–2008
Jozef CHAVKO & Boris
Ochrana dravcov na
Slovensku, Svätoplukova 1, 841 02 Bratislava,
Slovensko; chavko@dravce.sk; SOS/BirdLife
Slovensko, Mlynské nivy 41, 821 09 Bratislava,
Slovensko; maderic@vtaky.sk
Dramatic decline of the
Great Bustard population, whose size was estimated
at 2400 individuals at the end of th century, is
recorded at the present. Up to 2000, the Great
Bustard disappeared from the Žitný ostrov area and
other areas located north of the Dunube River. We
analysed observations and population size of the
species in Slovakia during the period from January
2000 up to September 2008. The observations
confirmed that Great Bustards did not nest on most
of historical sites in the Western Slovakia and
only short-term occurrence of several individuals
was recorded there. Only exception was one female,
which was occurring more or less regularly in the
Lehnice SPA during the period from July 2006 to
September 2008. Absence of the Great Bustards was
confirmed at previously known sites in the Eastern
Slovakia. Nowadays, the most prospective area for
breeding of the Great Bustard is located at the
cross-border area of Slovakia, Hungary and
Austria, southwards from Bratislava, where last
breeding of three females was recorded in 2005.
This area is regular winter quarters for
approximatly 300 individuals of the Great

krakle belasej (Coracias garrulus) na poslednom
známom hniezdisku na Slovensku
Breeding hollows of the
European Roller (Coracias garrulus) in the last
known breeding site in Slovakia
Katedra ekosozológie a
fyziotaktiky, Prírodovedecká fakulta UK, Mlynská
dolina, 842 15 Bratislava, Slovensko;
In the breeding area of
the European Roller (Komárno district, Western
Slovakia) during the period of 1983–2008,
altogether 18 cavities (15 hollows and 3 nest
boxes) were occupied and 40 breeding attempts
registered. Most hollows/nest boxes (14 of 18;
77.8%) occurred in Populus alba; dominance of
breeding attempts under these conditions was even
higher(36; 90%). Seven hollows(38.9%)were
excavated by Picus sp., 8(44.4%)by Dryocopus
martius; and 3 nest boxes (16.7%) were occupied.
In case of breedings, hollows of Picus sp. were
used 19 times (47.5% of 40 breedings), of D.
martius 15 times (37.5%) and nest boxes 6 times
(15%). Mean height of entrances was 10.7 ± 3.0 m
(n = 18 hollows/nest boxes); respectively 10.9 ±
2.9 m (n = 40 breeding attempts). Preferred
entrance orientation was south (5 hollows; 27.8%)
and east (3 hollows; 16.7%); From 40 breeding
attempts most preferred orientation was southwest
(10 breedings; 25%) and south and west (both of 8
breedings; 20%). Rollers preferred to breed on 3
sites with hollow clusters (the first with hollows
1, 2, 3; the second with hollows 4–10 and the
third with hollows 14 and 15). On these sites were
located 12 (66.7%) from all used hollows/nest
boxes; and 28 (70%) of all breeding attempts
occurred here. Altogether 96 nest boxes were
installed to increase breeding possibilities for
the European Roller in the site in 2004–2005.

prostredia na hniezdnu úspešnosť sýkorky veľkej
(Parus major)
Influence of various
environment on the breeding success in the Great
Tit (Parus major)
Marek VEĽKÝ & Peter
Ústav ekológie lesa SAV,
Štúrova 2, 960 53 Zvolen, Slovensko;
During two breeding
seasons (2007–2008) we studied the breeding
performance (onset of the breeding, clutch size,
hatched chicks, fledged chicks), of Great Tits
Parus major in three contrasting types of habitats
(forest, ecotone, town). Selected somatometric
parameters were used (egg size, length of tarsus
in six and nine-days-old chicks and in putative
mothers). In the forest environment and the
ecotone, birds started to lay eggs significantly
later than those from the town (about ten days and
more). Egg size was smallest in the town and
largest in the forest environment. Considering
only the first breeding attempts, the tits from the
urban habitat laid fewer eggs (7.5 eggs/ nest)
than those from the other habitat types. The
number of hatched and fledged chicks was likewise
lowest in the town (6.2 hatched chicks/nest and
4.3 fledged chicks/nest, respectively). The length
of tarsus in six-days-old or nine-day-old chicks
did not differ significantly between habitats. The
length of tarsus in putative mothers was shortest
for the birds breeding in the town (18.9 mm),
medium in the ecotone (19.7 mm) and biggest in the
forest (20.4 mm).

a hniezdenie myšiarky močiarnej (Asio flammeus)
na východnom Slovensku
Migration, wintering and
breeding of the Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus) in
Eastern Slovakia
Štefan DANKO
Jána Švermu 1, 071 01
Michalovce, Slovensko; danko@gecom.sk
All the published as
well as hitherto non-published data on occurrence
and breeding of the Short-eared Owl in East
Slovakia are summarized from years 1862–2007.
Across the territory, there occurs yearly autumnal
migration with the highest amounts of records (61)
reported for November. The East Slovakian Lowland
and Košická kotlina Basin, especially, are
important wintering areas of the species (80
registered observations). In years with sufficient
amounts of common voles, more than 100 birds may
over-winter in broader surroundings of the Senné
fishponds, alone. In East Slovakia are well-known
several breeding localities: primarily that one by
the village Blatné Remety, and others in the
villages Blatná Polianka and Senné in
neighbourhoods of the Senné fishponds. Breeding was
found in years 1972–1976, 1978, 1981, 1986 and
1995. In some years it was supposed only. Apart
from this localities, the species was also
breeding in the East Slovakian Lowland. Finally
there is reported knowledge about breeding
biology. In the breeding period, the dominant food
component was the Common Vole (Microtus arvalis).
There were caught 230 Short-eared Owls, for some
of them we also report biometric data. There was
only obtained one single recovery within the
ringing year from NE Belarus.

popolavej (Circus pygargus) na východnom
Breeding of the
Montagu’s Harrier (Circus pygargus) in Eastern
Štefan DANKO
Jána Švermu 1, 071 01
Michalovce, Slovensko; danko@gecom.sk
The species was
regularly breeding in the East Slovakian Lowland,
north of Senné fishponds Reserve (1–7 pairs,
103–110 m a.s.l.)in 1973–1998; however no breeding
was observed there in 1999–2008. In addition, in E
Slovakia, there was found breeding nearby the
villages Vojnatina and Tibava, in 1974 and 1986.
One breeding pair was registered by the Latorica
River (1974), one by the village Zemplínske
Hradište (1986) and by one near Trebišov in (2001,
2002). Supposed was breeding in several localities
across the territory of Medzibodrožie, in NW part
of the district Trebišov, in N parts of the
districts Michalovce and Sobrance. In case of the
Košická kotlina Basin, the last breeding was found
in 1974. In the first study years, the species bred
in wet sedge meadows (19 nests), later almost
exclusively in agrocoenoses, especially wheat (35)
and rape (13). The shortest distance between the
nests was 35 m. In one year, there were 7 breeding
pairs, in free cluster in a rape field. Some data
about breeding biology are presented. In 1978, one
male was melanistic, two of five young individuals
were totally black. The dominant food component
was Common Vole, at time of its lack, small song
birds, primarily Skylarks. There have been ringed
124 young and 27 adults, the females and young
were recovered after several years. One 5-year-old
male wintered in Chad; another reached an age of
12 years.

veľkých (Phalacrocorax carbo) na Slovensku v
rokoch 2005–2008
Wintering of Great
Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) in Slovakia in
Jozef RIDZOŇ, Boris
Katedra zoologie,
Přírodovědecká fakulta UK, Viničná 9, 128 44 Praha
2, Česko; ridzon@vtaky.sk; Slovenský rybársky zväz
– Rada Žilina, Andreja Kmeťa 20, 010 55 Žilina,
Slovensko; oetv@srzrada.sk; Štátna ochrana prírody
SR, Lazovná 10, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovensko;
Slovak Ornithological
Society/BirdLife Slovakia, Slovak angling
association and State Nature Conservancy of the
Slovak Republic organized common census of Great
Cormorants at roosting sites in January 2005,
2006, 2007 and 2008. Altogether, 106 roosting
sites were monitored in this period; 30–41 of them
were occupied during particular months. Majority
of roosting sites were located at trees at bank or
islands of water reservoirs and rivers.
Exceptionally, roosting sites were located at
concrete or rocky embankments, at railway lamps or
at transmission towers. There were observed in
average 7748 cormorants during the study years.
The lowest number was observed in January 2007,
5991–6493 individuals, the highest in January
2006, 7669–9224 ind. Numbers in January 2006 could
be partially influenced by lower temperatures.
During severe winters were observed probably
higher numbers at several rivers in north and east
Slovakia. These rivers don not freeze in severe
winters and herewith they could be potential
refuge for the Cormorants from Northern Europe.

početnosti zimujících hus v České republice a na
Slovensku v letech 1991–2007
The long-term trends in
numbers of wintering geese in the Czech Republic
and Slovakia in 1991–2007
Petr MUSIL, Alžbeta
Katedra zoologie,
Přírodovědecká fakulta UK Praha, Viničná 7, 128 44
Praha 2, Česko; p.musil@post.cz; Ústav zoológie
SAV, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 06 Bratislava,
Slovensko; alzbeta.darolova@savba.sk; ŠOP SR,
Správa CHKO Záhorie, Vajanského 17, 901 01
Malacky, Slovensko; rudolf.jurecek@sopsr.sk;
Katedra ekologie, Přírodovědecká fakulta UK Praha,
Viničná 7, 128 44 Praha 2, Česko;
The long-term changes in
numbers of wintering goose species (Anser anser,
Anser fabalis, Anser albifrons) were analyzed
using data from Mid-winter International Waterbird
Census in 1991–2007. Numbers of wintering Greylag
Goose increased significantly in the Czech Republic
as well as in Slovakia. In Slovakia, significant
increase in numbers was recorded in Great
White-fronted Goose and on the contrary significant
decline in Bean Goose. Wintering numbers of these
both species fluctuated in the Czech Republic and
population trend was classified as uncertain trend.
Inter-seasonal fluctuations of weather conditions
did not influence significantly numbers of goose
species. Nevertheless, in severe winter 2005/06,
increase in number of wintering geese (A. fabalis,
A. albifrons) was recorded in wintering grounds in
Slovakia (esp. Hrušovská zdrž water reservoir). On
the contrary, higher numbers of wintering geese
were counted in South Moravia (esp. Nové Mlýny
water reservoir) in mild winter (e.g. January
2003, 2005, 2007).

migrácia vodného vtáctva na Hornom Podunajsku:
sezónne a poveternostné vzťahy
Wintering and migration
of waterfowl species in Upper Danube region:
seasonal and weather patterns
Katedra ekologie,
Přírodovědecká fakulta UK, Viničná 7, 128 44 Praha
2, Česko; zimnescitanie@centrum.sk
During winter seasons
2003/2004–2006/2007 were recorded maximally 99369
individuals and 88 waterfowl species in the Upper
Danube region. To the most abundant were Anas
platyrhynchos, Aythya fuligula, Aythya ferina,
Fulica atra, Bucephala clangula and Larus
ridibundus. Rivers Dunaj and Váh had the most
similar species representation; A. platyrhynchos
was the most abundant species there. The most
distinct species representation of all Slovak
rivers was at canals of Žitný ostrov, where was
recorded much higher dominance of species
Tachybaptus ruficollis, Cygnus olor and Anas
strepera as at any other water courses in
Slovakia. Changes in abundance of 20 species
correlated with mean monthly temperatures. In the
case of 12 species (Podiceps nigricollis, C. olor,
Anser albifrons, Anser anser, Anas penelope, B.
clangula, Mergus albellus, Mergus merganser,
Rallus aquaticus, Larus canus, Larus
argentatus/cachinnans, L. ridibundus) abundance in
the Upper Danube region was higher when the
temperature was lower. In eight species (Podiceps
cristatus, Podiceps grisegena, Ardea cinerea,
Netta rufina, Vanellus vanellus, Alcedo atthis,
Motacilla alba, Motacilla cinerea), higher
abundance was observed in months with higher
spoločenstva hornej hranice lesa v oblasti
Národnej prírodnej rezervácie Osobitá, Západné
Structure of the
breeding bird community at the upper forest line
in Osobitá National Nature Reserve, Západné Tatry
Michal BALÁŽ
Katedra biológie a
ekológie, Pedagogická fakulta KU, Nám. A. Hlinku
56/1, 034 01 Ružomberok, Slovensko;
The structure of
breeding bird community at the upper forest line
in Osobitá National Nature Reserve was studied
during three breeding seasons 2004–2006 using the
mapping method. Altogether 39 bird species were
registered in this habitat and 19 species were
classified as a breeding species. The density of
breeding community ranged from 65.9 to 43.5
breeding pairs (BP)/ 10 ha (mean density was 57.7
BP/ 10 ha). Phylloscopus trochilus was the most
abundant species in this habitat, which comprised
more than 14% of total breeding community. The
most of species belonged to tree-hollow nesters
and to canopy and ground feeders.

Bábskeho dubovo-hrabového lesa (Z Slovensko) po
40 rokoch
Comparison of the bird
assemblage in Bábsky les oak-hornbeam forest (W
Slovakia) after 40 years
Ústav krajinnej ekológie
SAV, Štefánikova 3, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovensko;
Birds of the
oak-hornbeam site Bábsky les forest were studied
for the first time within the International
Biological Program (IBP) in detail in 1967–1969.
This program was focused especially on the study
of secondary production and selected animal
groups. After nearly 40 years (in 2005–2008) the
ornithological research was repeated by using the
similar method as in the period 1967–1969. In both
compared periods there were recorded 94 bird
species. Altogether 93 of them were found in
1967–1969, while in 2005–2008 only 75 ones. In the
first research period 50 breeding species were
identified, in the second one 46 species. Comparing
the two research periods the character of
occurrence in the second stage (2003–2008) was
changed in ten species (Buteo buteo, Phasianus
colchicus, Strix aluco, Asio otus, Delichon
urbica, Troglodytes troglodytes, Phoenicurus
ochruros, Phoenicurus phoenicurus, Pica pica,
Coccothraustes coccothraustes). In 2005–2008 the
only new registered breeding bird species was
Motacilla alba. Comparison of the breeding bird
assemblage of the Bábsky les forest in the time
horizon of 40 years shows that in both research
periods there were no great differences in
breeders. The species Luscinia megarhynchos and
Parus major were characteristic and dominant in
both research periods.

agrocenóz a vodných nádrží Nitrianskej
pahorkatiny (JZ Slovensko): oblasť plánovaná pre
výstavbu veterných elektrární
Birds of selected
agrocoenoses and water reservoirs in Nitrianska
pahorkatina Hills (SW Slovakia): area planed for
wind farms
Ústav ekológie lesa SAV,
Štúrova 2, 960 53 Zvolen, Slovensko;
Within the environmental
impact assessment before building of a wind
electric power station (2005–2008), there were
studied bird assemblages in three localities
within an intensively used agricultural landscape
and two control plots, adjacent water reservoirs
in SW Slovakia. Altogether 130 bird species (70 of
them nidificants) were found in all five localities.
Comparable species numbers were found in
agrocoenoses of three planed wind farms, the
differences were depending mainly on different
plot sizes. Altogether 66 species (11 breeding, 43
hospites, 12 permigrants) were found in Báb area,
more in Horná Kráľová, in total 72 (16, 40, 16)
and maximum in Dvorníky, in total 78 (25, 38, 15).
The species Alauda arvensis, Columba palumbus,
Phasianus colchicus, Passer montanus, Sturnus
vulgaris belonged to the most frequent and
abundant breeding species in all areas. Altogether
110 species were found in each of both water
plots. It is significantly more than in particular
agricultural areas. Breeding, occurrence,
abundance and ecology of some interesting bird
species, e.g. Ixobrychus minutus, Ciconia nigra,
Cygnus olor, Netta rufina, Perdix perdix, Coturnix
coturnix, Circus pygargus, Falco subbuteo, Asio
flammeus, Merops apiaster, Galerida cristata,
Lanius excubitor and as well characteristic
species are commented.

osídlenia v okolí Novej Bane (stredné Slovensko)
Birds of landscape with
traditional scattered settlement in surroundings
of Nová Baňa (central Slovakia)
Ústav krajinnej ekológie
SAV, Akademická 2, 949 01 Nitra, Slovensko;
In suburban habitats of
Pohronský Inovec and Tribeč Mts. and in the
vicinity of Vtáčnik Mts., 89 bird species were
found, including 78 breeding species and 2
probably breeding species. Study area comprises
well-preserved historic landscape structure of
dispersed settlement. Our aim was to identify
species richness of birds and to compare it with
similar region of traditional meadow-pasture
landscape – Poľana(central Slovakia).
Characteristic breeding species were Lullula
arborea, Otus scops, Merops apiaster, Coturnix
coturnix, Crex crex, Saxicola torquata and
Saxicola rubetra. The most dominant species were
Emberiza citrinella (mean number of breeding pairs
59/ 100 ha) and Turdus philomelos (33/ 100 ha).
Subdominant species were Turdus merula, Parus
major, Sylvia atricapilla and Fringilla coelebs.
Their occurrences correspond with the overgrowth
of forest edges into the meadow and pasture

na vodnej nádrži Sĺňava počas zmeny vodného
Occurrence of birds at
the water reservoir Sĺňava during the change of
water regime
Zavretý kút 42/16, 921
01 Piešťany, Slovensko; kanuscak@gmail.com
Sĺňava is an artificial
430 ha water reservoir located close to Piešťany
in western Slovakia. After 39 years(in 2007) the
dam was emptied for the second time. I observed
the reaction of birds to this change of the water
regime in three stages. In first stage before drain
off were observed 25 species, in the second stage
without water, 83 species were observed and in the
third stage after Sĺňava was filled with water 27
species. During the whole period of observation
Anas platyrhynchos and Fulica atra ranked among
dominant and constant species. In the first phase
the number of ducks was relatively low. It
increased in second phase. The maximum number was
reached when Sĺňava was filled with water. In F.
atra the number was very high during the first
stage and it started to drop when Sĺňava was
emptied. Number increased again when Sĺňava was
filled with water. The same occurrence was noticed
at other dominant and constant species Cygnus
olor. Suitable food conditions of empty Sĺňava
were reflected in number of other species mainly in
Anas crecca, Ardea cinerea, Larus cachinnans and
for enough water areas in Phalacrocorax carbo.
Bird community was also enriched by members of
Charadriiformes and Falconiformes. Members of the
first group were attracted by suitable water area
and food. Results were compared with the year 1968
when Sĺňava was emptied for the first time.

mokradí vzniknutých banskou činnosťou v
Hornonitrianskej kotline (stredné Slovensko)
Birds of Košské mokrade
marshlands resulted from deep mining in
Hornonitrianska kotlina Basin (central Slovakia)
Ponitrie, Dlhá 3, 971 01 Prievidza, Slovensko;
vladimir.slobodnik@sopsr.sk; Ústav krajinnej
ekológie SAV, Akademická 2, 949 01 Nitra,
Slovensko; tana.solomekova@yahoo.com; I. Krasku
8/5, 971 01 Prievidza, Slovensko; delfo1@azet.sk
Research was performed
on the artificial terrain depressions in the
breeding period and in the post-breeding period in
years 1987–2007. The artificial forms were
developed by deep mining of brown coal in the
Nováky coal seam (central Slovakia). The
depressions are filled by precipitation and ground
water. Since 1985 they represent one of the
natural wetlands in the study area. Altogether 185
bird species were found there, 43 of them were
breeders and probable breeders. Presence of bird
species shows habitat changes in this area.

vtákov v Národnej prírodnej rezervácii Parížske
močiare (JZ Slovensko)
Spring mist-netting of
birds in Parížske močiare National Nature Reserve
(SW Slovakia)
Alfréd TRNKA, Ivan
Katedra biológie,
Pedagogická fakutla TU, Priemyselná 4, 918 43
Trnava, Slovensko; atrnka@truni.sk; Ústav biologie
a chorob volně žijících zvířat, Fakulta
veterninární hygieny a ekologie VFU, Palackého
1–3, 612 42 Brno, Česko
The Parížske Močiare
National Nature Reserve represents one of the most
important ornithological marsh sites in Slovakia.
In spite of this, we have only poor knowledge
concerning spring migration of birds. Here, we
present the results of first standardized
mist-netting of birds realized in this locality in
the spring of 2008. During three weeks (April 12 –
May 3), 774 individuals were caught, representing
27 bird species. Sedge Warbler, Eurasian Reed
Warbler, and less Great Reed Warbler, Savi’s
Warbler and Bearded Tit were the most abundant
species. Six mist-netted individuals of Aquatic
Warbler (6 records) are the first documented
occurrence of this species in the last ten years
in Slovakia.

zmenených podmienkach prostredia postihnutého
vetrovou kalamitou (Vysoké Tatry): vybrané
Birds in habitats
changed due to disturbances caused by a gale
disaster (High Tatra Mts.): selected observations
Matej REPEL & Rudolf
Katedra ochrany lesa a
poľovníctva, Lesnícka fakulta TU vo Zvolene,
Masarykova 20, 960 53 Zvolen, Slovensko;
kropil@vsld.tuzvo.sk; L. Svobodu 26, 058 01
Poprad, Slovensko; repel@vtaky.sk
High Tatra Mts. were
attacked by gale disaster in November 19, 2004.
This resulted to large clearing of forested areas.
Bird assemblages were studied by using mapping
method and point method from May 2006 to April
2008 in four different plots according to the
timber status there (non-extracted plot, extracted
plot, post-fire plot and non-damaged forest plot).
Interesting observations of some species are
presented in the paper. The Hazel Grouse was
regularly observed in larch-spruce forest and two
times in non-extracted plot too. Lekking Black
Grouse male was observed in May 2008 in extracted
stand and in the same day was also seen the
female. The Hoopoe was observed in post-fire plot
in May 28, 2008 (1050 m a.s.l.). The adult Water
Pipit was observed by feeding juvenile individual
in the end of May and early June 2008. The Wood
Warbler nested in coniferous forest without any
broadleaved tree species during 2006 and 2007. The
Black Redstart nested regularly in the post-fire
plot and was one of two most dominant species
there. The singing Brambling male was observed in
larch-spruce forest (May 19–26, 2008). Selected
observations show birds’ adaptations to changed
habitats in particular.

pri Béteri (Lučenec, stredné Slovensko) v rokoch
Birds of the marsh at
Béter (Lučenec, central Slovakia) in 1991–2008
Tolstého 17, 984 03
Lučenec, Slovensko; dusan72@post.sk; Školská 211,
985 31 Mučín, Slovensko; mm76@post.sk
In 1991–2008 we found in
total 165 bird species(34 breeders), from which 92
were water bird species(23 breeders), in the marsh
at Béter and the adjacent sewage tank. The
dominant breeders were Acrocephalus schoenobaenus,
Fulica atra, Vanellus vanellus, Acrocephalus
palustris, Anas platyrhynchos and Emberiza
schoeniclus. Breeding of Podiceps cristatus,
Aythya fuligula and Tringa totanus was only
confirmed once over the whole study period. During
migration, the most abundant were A.
platyrhynchos, Anas querquedula, Anas crecca, F.
atra, V. vanellus, Philomachus pugnax, Tringa
glareola, Gallinago gallinago, Hirundo rustica,
Delichon urbica, Anthus pratensis, Motacilla alba,
Motacilla flava, Erithacus rubecula, Luscinia
megarhynohos, A. schoenobaenus, Sylvia
atricapilla, Sturnus vulgaris, Emberiza
schoeniclus. More rare were migrants Botaurus
stellaris, Anas acuta, Anas strepera, Porzana
porzana, Grus grus, Charadrius hiaticula, Tringa
erythropus, Tringa stagnatilis, Gallinago media,
Limosa limosa, Lymnocryptes minimus, Chlidonias
niger, Chlidonias hybridus and Luscinia svecica
cyanecula. In one year only, or once were recorded
Ardeola ralloides, Egretta garzetta, Platalea
leucorodia, Cygnus cygnus, Netta rufina, Mergus
albellus, Milvus migrans, Aquila pomarina,
Numenius phaeopus, Phalaropus lobatus, Larus
melanocephalus, Larus fuscus fuscus, Motacilla
flava feldegg, Lanius minor, Sturnus roseus.
Interesting were also summer (June) occurrences of
A. crecca, A. querquedula, Anas clypeata, Aythya
nyroca, Aythya fuligula, Mergus albellus, Calidris
ferruginea, Calidris minuta, P. pugnax, Numenius
arquata, L. limosa, T. erythropus, Tringa
nebularia, T. glareola, Tringa ochropus, G.
gallinago and G. media.

populačným trendom a hniezdnej biológii strakoša
sivého (Lanius excubitor) v širšom okolí Piešťan
(Z Slovensko)
On population trends and
breeding biology of the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius
excubitor) in Piešťany area (W Slovakia)
Schererra 36, 921 01
Piešťany, Slovensko; jan.koci@centrum.sk
In the study area
located on the west Slovakia on the river Váh
between the towns of Piešťany and Nové Mesto nad
Váhom altogether 124 nesting pairs of Great Grey
Shrike have been monitored in 2003–2008. In 2003
there were detected 29 nesting pairs/ 100 km2 and
in 2004 there were 22 pairs, but only 16 pairs in
2007 (55% decrease). There was slightly increased
number in 2008. Densities, arrivals, start of nest
building, fledgling numbers in the first and
replacement nests, nest distances in the whole
study plot as well in agrocoenoses were analyzed.
There was registered increasing population trend
in agrocoenoses and earlier arrival of birds to
breeding sites throughout the successive years,
but not earlier start of nest building. A
significant lower fledglings number per nest was
found in replacement brood (3.5/ nest) than in the
first brood (5.8/ nest). Nest predation of some
species was regularly registered (Turdus pilaris,
less Oriolus oriolus).

vtákov na Slovensku v roku 2007
Bird-ringing results in
Slovakia in 2007
Ponitrie, Dlhá 3, 971 01 Prievidza, Slovensko;
In 2007, 55 members of
Slovak Ornithological Society/BirdLife Slovakia
ringed altogether 30934 birds, of them 3427 were
nestlings(11.1%). The most numerous ringed species
were Sylvia atricapilla (3327 individuals),
Erithacus rubecula (3053 ind.), Hirundo rustica
(1544 ind.), Parus major (1234 ind.) and
Phylloscopus collybita (1233 ind.). The ringed
birds belonged to 156 species. Lists of ten most
frequently ringed passerines and ten
non-passerines are given. The most frequently
ringed young are also discussed. Results of 9
species re-trapped in Slovakia and ringed abroad
as well as 13 species ringed in Slovakia and
re-trapped abroad are given.

správa Faunistickej komisie Slovenskej
ornitologickej spoločnosti/BirdLife Slovensko
The 8th report of the
Rarities Committee of the Slovak Ornithological
Society/BirdLife Slovakia
Vladimír ŠRANK
Zoologická záhrada
Bojnice, 972 01 Bojnice, Slovensko;
In 2007 the Rarities
Committee of the Slovak Ornithological
Society/BirdLife Slovakia discussed in total 10
announcements; all were accepted. In the category
A(new species for Slovakia)were accepted 4
observations: Aix galericulata (2 observations),
Alopochen aegyptiacus, Phoenicopterus ruber. In
the category B(new nidificants for Slovakia)were
accepted 2 observations: Mergus merganser (2
observations). In the category C(any occurrence
and nesting of the species must by reported) were
accepted 4 observations of the following species:
Circus macrourus, Clamator glandarius, Charadrius
morinellus, Stercorarius pomarinus.

výzvy súčasnej slovenskej ornitológie
Characteristics and
challenges of the current Slovak ornithology
Radovan VÁCLAV
Ústav zoológie SAV,
Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 06 Bratislava, Slovensko;
I have evaluated the
publishing performance of Slovak ornithologists
and authors using birds as their study subjects. I
have collected bibliographic information for the
period of years 1993–2008 using Zoological Record®
and Web of Science® databases for the following
three countries: Slovakia, Czech Republic, and
Sweden. While the publishing productivity of
Slovak authors turns out to be comparable to that
of colleagues from the other two countries, my
inspection has revealed a disproportionally small
number of Slovak authors involved in publishing
articles on birds. Apart from the distinct
quantitative aspects of publishing performance,
the publishing account reflects a high contribution
of amateur ornithologists in Slovakia: 1)
relatively more articles published in non-impacted
local journals, 2) articles published in
ornithological journals with average impact
factors, 3) high proportion of descriptive
articles on general subjects, and 4) high use of
rarity species as study subjects. I propose that
Slovak ornithology would benefit from inciting more
young students to become professional
ornithologists, establishing regular, long-term
monitoring programs, higher consideration of
ecology and behaviour in research questions and
improving and strengthening communication between
amateur and professional ornithologists – perhaps also with the
assistance of the journal Tichodroma. Finally, I
suggest that Slovak ornithologists should take
advantage of Slovakia’s geographical, agricultural
and socio-economic heterogeneity to study
principles of avian distribution and population
trends, as well as their expertise in

– ornitologické čriepky
Andrej Kmeť –
ornithological fragments
Katedra biológie a
ekológie, Fakulta prírodných vied UMB, Tajovského
40, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovensko;
In February 2008, we
remembered 100th anniversary when Andrej Kmeť
(1841–1908) died. One of the first Slovak
scientists which focused on various topics and
subjects was modest and hard-working
roman-catholic priest. As an amateur he studied
mainly archaeology, botany, geology, mineralogy,
palaeontology and ethnography. In this paper I
summarise his ornithological activities.
