Tichodroma 36 (2024): DOI:
Ostatné / Others
krúžkovania vtákov na Slovensku za rok 2023
Bird-ringing results in Slovakia in 2023
Michal JENČO
Slovenská ornitologická spoločnosť/BirdLife
Slovensko, Krúžkovacia centrála, Námestie
osloboditeľov 1, 071 01 Michalovce, Slovensko
Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku, Raptor Protection of
Slovakia, Trhová 54, 841 01 Bratislava, Slovensko
Michal BALÁŽ
Katedra biológie a ekológie, Pedagogická fakulta
Katolíckej univerzity, Hrabovská cesta 1, 034 01
Ružomberok, Slovensko
In 2023, 59 ringers ringed altogether 72
658 birds, belonging to 151 species. Of them,
the Great Tit (Parus major, 9 011
ind.), Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla, 8
209 individuals), Barn Swallow (Hirundo
rustica, 7 192 ind.), European Robin (Erithacus
rubecula, 5 364 ind.) and Blue Tit (Cyanistes
caeruleus, 5 110 ind.) were the five most
frequently ringed species. The most numerous
birds ringed as nestlings were the Great Tit
(2 769 ind.), White Stork (Ciconia ciconia,
1 302 individuals), Common Kestrel (Falco
tinnunculus, 890 ind.), Collared Flycatcher (Ficedula
albicollis, 491 ind.) and Barn Swallow (393
ind.). Overall, nestlings accounted for
approximately 10% of all ringed birds. In
2023, 720 recoveries from abroad were
registered. Of these, 210 individuals were
ringed abroad and re-trapped in Slovakia,
while 510 were individuals ringed in Slovakia
and re-trapped abroad. The longest-distance
recovery involved a Lesser Spotted Eagle (Clanga
pomarina) found in Zambia, 7 081 km away from
its ringing site in Slovakia. The record for
longevity was held by a Black Stork (Ciconia
nigra), which was re-encountered 22 years
after being ringed.
Keywords: bird marking, colour banding,
nestlings, migration, Central Europe

Citácia / Cite as
Jenčo M., Slobodník R. & Baláž M. 2024: Prehľad
krúžkovania vtákov na Slovensku za rok 2023.
Tichodroma 36: 61–70.

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