záznamy dlhovekosti u bociana čierneho (Ciconia
New longevity records for Black Stork (Ciconia
Štefan DANKO
J. Švermu 1, 071 01 Michalovce, Slovensko
In 2023, the highest known age of a Black
Stork was 22 years and two months. The author
summarized five published and four new data on
individuals (all ringed as pulli) which
reached from 18 years and 3 months to 22 years
and min. 2 months of life. Eight of them had
besides Alu rings also readable colour plastic
rings. The new knowledge is that the
22-year-old male was raising its chicks.
words: ageing, Black Stork, bird
aluminium and colour ringing, Slovakia,
Poland, Hungary
Citácia / Cite as
Danko Š. 2024: New longevity records for Black Stork
(Ciconia nigra). Tichodroma 36: 39–42. DOI: