spoločenstvo vtákov a vegetačná štruktúra
tvrdého lužného lesa Chráneného areálu Ostrovné
lúčky Breeding bird assembplage and vegetation
structure of hardwood floodplain forest in
protected area Ostrovné lúčky
Laténska 19, 851 10 Bratislava, Slovensko; e-mail:
Katedra environmentálnej
ekológie a manažmentu krajiny,
Prírodovedecká fakulta UK, Mlynská
Ilkovičova 6, Bratislava 4, Slovensko
Katedra ekológie, Prírodovedecká fakulta
UK, Mlynská dolina, Ilkovičova 6,
Bratislava 4, Slovensko
Lowland floodplain forests are one of the last
refuges of biotic diversity in Europe, which
makes them very valuable. Protected area
Ostrovné lúčky represents an example of
well-preserved hardwood ash-elm-oak floodplain
forest fragment. Old Danube side arms, old
trees and high volume of deadwood also add to
its natural character. The aim of this study
was to determine the ecological value of the
area by investigating its bird assemblage and
vegetation structure. The breeding bird
assemblage was studied using point count
method (n=10 points). During two breeding
seasons in years 2020 and 2021, 49 bird
species (36 breeders) were recorded. Density
of breeding pairs of all species was 171. 9
p/10ha in 2020 and 170. 7 p/10ha in 2021.
Shannon diversity index was 2.98 in 2020 and
3.11 in 2021. Dominant species (>5%) in
both years were Parus major, Turdus
philomelos, Fringilla coelebs, Sylvia
atricapilla and Cyanistes caeruleus. In
addition, 39 tree species were identified in
the study area. Our results indicate that
Ostrovné lúčky is an important refuge for
birds in the suburbs of Bratislava. We suggest
that water bodies and volume of dead wood have
a positive effect on the bird assemblage of
the area. On the other hand, our results
indicate that non-native trees have a slightly
negative effect on this bird assemblage.
However, further research is needed to
validate these claims.
Citácia / Cite as
Vranovský T., Ružičková J. & Nuhličková S. 2023:
Hniezdne spoločenstvá vtákov a vegetačná štruktúra
tvrdého lužného lesa Chráneného areálu Ostrovné
lúčky. Tichodroma 35: DOI: