dokumentovaný výskyt chriašťa najmenšieho (Zapornia
pusilla) na Slovensku Second documented occurrence of the Baillon´s
Crake (Zapornia pusilla) in Slovakia
Katedra ekológie,
Prírodovedecká fakulta Univerzita
Komenského, Ilkovičova 6, Mlynská dolina
824 15, Bratislava, Slovakia
In this study, we present the second
documented evidence of the occurrence of the
Baillon’s Crake in Slovakia, after 56 years.
In order to improve knowledge about the
ecology of rare species, this study provides a
comprehensive overview of all published papers
in Slovakia from history to the present. In
addition, it contains a description of the
current habitat and the song of a male
recorded for the first time on 25.05. 2021 at
the locality of Pánska Morávka (cadastral area
of Malé Leváre, western Slovakia). During four
days of recording (from 30.05. to 01.06. 2021
and 03.06.2021), we identified one male song
with relatively high calling activity (in
average 8394 vocalizations per night), with
the peak exclusively during night hours
(01:00-03:00 a.m.). After eight nights of
monitoring, the male fell silent. The breeding
attempt was not confirmed. Finally, our
results suggest that Pánska Morávka represents
a potential site for the occurrence of
Baillon’s Crake, one of the rarest birds in
Citácia / Cite as
Svetlík J. & Nuhlíčková S.: Druhý dokumentovaný
výskyt chriašťa najmenšieho (Zapornia pusilla)
na Slovensku.
Tichodroma 34: 43–54. DOI: