hniezdnych ornitocenóz troch parkov v centre
mesta Zvolen (Slovensko)
Structure of breeding bird assemblages of three
parks in the centre of the town Zvolen
Martin KORŇAN Katedra
aplikovanej zoológie a manažmentu zveri,
Lesnícka fakulta, Technická univerzita vo Zvolene,
T. G. Masaryka 20, 960 01 Zvolen, Slovensko;
Centrum pre ekologické štúdie, Ústredie 14, 013 62
Veľké Rovné, Slovensko
Based on number of previous
studies, urban parks are
considered important biocentres
for bird diversity in urban
ecosystems. The objective of this
study was to describe species
composition and basic cenotic
measures (abundance, density and
dominance) of three breeding bird
assemblages of parks in the Town
of Zvolen situated in central
Slovakia. Birds were censused by
the combined version of the
mapping method during the breeding
season from April to beginning of
July in the period 2014-2018. In
total, I detected 32 breeders in
three parks during the five-year
period (18-28 breeders per park).
The higher species richness, 28
breeders (18-25 per year) was
detected in Park of Ing. Š.
Višňovský, followed by Park of
prof. A. Priesol with 27 breeders
(20-22) and Park of Ľ. Štúr with
18 breeders (9-14). Parks were
important for other non-breeding
species (transmigrants, food
searchers, and random visitors)
that were estimated on 13-15
species per park during the
breeding season. Five to nine
dominant (≥
5 %) species were described from
each park based on mean abundance
values, out of which three species
- Fringillacoelebs, Turduspilaris
and Turdusmerula
were found as dominants in all
sites. The mean total density of
breeding bird assemblage was
estimated from 130.6-212.5
pairs/10 ha from three sites (Park
of Ľ. Štúr: 171.0-250.7 p/10 ha,
Park of prof. A. Priesol:
118.0-187.4 p/10 ha and Park of
Ing. Š. Višňovský: 109.3-142.1
p/10 ha). Importance of studied
parks for preserving bird
diversity in the town is
highlighted and future directions
of research and monitoring of
these ecosystems are presented.
Key words: bird
community, diversity, mapping
method, population density,
species richness, structure, urban
Citácia / Cite as
Korňan M. Štruktúra hniezdnych ornitocenóz troch
parkov v centre mesta Zvolen (Slovensko). Tichodroma
34: 29–41. DOI: 10.31577/tichodroma.2022.34.5