krúžkovania vtákov na Slovensku v roku 2021 Bird-ringing results in Slovakia in 2021
Michal JENČO & Matej
REPEL Slovenská ornitologická
spoločnosť / BirdLife Slovensko, Krúžkovacia
centrála, Námestie osloboditeľov 1, 071 01
Michalovce, Slovakia; e-mail:
Abstract: In
2021, 57 ringers ringed altogether 72 348
birds, what is the highest number of ringed
birds till now in Slovakia. Of them only 5 598
were ringed the nestlings. Altogether 55
species were ringed. The five most numerous
ringed species were Blackcap (Sylviaatricapilla, 7 416 individuals),
Great Tit (Parusmajor,
7 158 ind. ), Barn Swallow (Hirundorustica, 7 081 ind.), European robin (Erithacusrubecula, 5 065 ind.) and Eurasian Siskin
(Carduelis spinus, 4 630 ind.).
The list of the top five species and their
numbers were similar to previous years.
Altogether 686 abroad recoveries were
registered, out of them were 342 individuals
ringed abroad and re-trapped in Slovakia, and
344 individuals ringed in Slovakia re-trapped
bird ringing, recoveries, Slovakia
Citácia / Cite as
Jenčo M. & Repel M.: Prehľad krúžkovania vtákov
na Slovensku v roku 2021. Tichodroma 34: 107–115.
DOI: 10.31577/tichodroma.2022.34.13