Pôvodná práca / Original paper Adopcia
mláďaťa myšiaka hôrneho (Buteo buteo)
orlom kráľovským (Aquila heliaca) Adoption of a Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo)
chick by the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila
Ladislav ŠNÍRER Horská 1314/42, 95806; email: snirer@pobox.sk
Viliam ŠUMICHRAST Demandice 44, 93585
Stanislav HARVANČÍK Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Správa CHKO
Ponitrie, Samova 3, 94901 Nitra
Here we present a succesful adoption within a
taxonomic family but across orders in birds of
prey. From 1977 through 2021, we monitored the
population of the Eastern Imperial Eagle
(Aquila heliaca, hereafter Imperial Eagle) on
the territory of the Ponitrie Protected
Landscape Area in the Slovakia. The number of
pairs gradually increased there and,
altogether 15 pairs were monitored each year
since 2018. In 2021, we found the Common
Buzzard (Buteo buteo) chick in the nest of the
Imperial Eagle in the Ipeľská pahorkatina
Hills during the regular monitoring of
breeding pairs. It is generally the first
known documented record of a young Common
Buzzard reared by the Imperial Eagle without
human intervention. Parental care of the
Imperial Eagle adults on the nest is described
and possible alternative explanations for this
case of adoption are discussed.
interspecific adoption, nest parasitism, birds
of prey, Slovakia