Tichodroma 33 (2021): 45–53. DOI: 10.31577/tichodroma.2021.33.1

Krátka správa / Short communication


Výskyt sovy dlhochvostej (Strix uralensis) v lesoch Národného parku Malá Fatra (severozápadné Slovensko)
Occurrence of the Ural owl (Strix uralensis) in forests of the Malá Fatra National Park (NW Slovakia)

Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Správa Národného parku Malá Fatra, Hrnčiarska ulica 197, 013 03 Varín, Slovakia; e-mail: tomas.flajs@sopsr.sk

Abstract. In total, presence of Ural owl (Strix uralensis) was monitored on 245 sites in the area of the Malá Fatra National Park, NW Slovakia, in 2013–2016. The sites were selected systematically over the entire protected area. Acoustic monitoring using automatic digital voice recorders and direct observations were repeatedly performed on these sites. Altogether, 18 breeding territories of Ural owls were found there. The species was found in old mixed forests (over 130 years) there. These forest stands are located mainly in nature reserves or in areas with limited forest management. It is likely that the lack of trees or snags suitable for nesting may limit species density in managed forests.

Key words: owl abundance, nature reserves, forest management, habitat fragmentation

Citácia / Cite as
Flajs T.: Výskyt sovy dlhochvostej (Strix uralensis) v lesoch Národného parku Malá Fatra (severozápadné Slovensko). Tichodroma 33: 45–53. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/tichodroma.2021.33.1

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