Tichodroma 21 (2009)
Pôvodné práce
- Slabeyová
Ridzoň J. & Kropil R.: Trendy početnosti
bežných druhov vtákov na Slovensku v rokoch
- Korňan
& Holmes R. T.: Konvergencia štruktúry
potravných gíld ornitocenóz medzi lesmi dvoch
zoogeografických oblastí
- Kerestúr
Mojžiš M., Krištín A., Matula J., Lengyel J.,
Václav R., Matejovič B., Bednár F. &
Ridzoň J.: Hniezdne ornitocenózy mladín
bukovo-smrekových lesov a zarastajúcich
rúbanísk pohoria Ostrôžky (stredné Slovensko)
- Kaňuščák
P.: Vtáčie spoločenstvo krátkodobej mokrade
pri vodnej nádrži Sĺňava (Z Slovensko)
- Mošanský
Hniezdne spoločenstvá vtákov lužných lesov
alúvia rieky Latorica (Východoslovenská
- Slobodník
R.: Avifauna komplexu rôznych biotopov
v Hornonitrianskej kotline (stredné
- Slabeyová
Ridzoň J., Svetlík J. & Kvetko R.:
Zimovanie a migrácia vodného vtáctva na
Hrušovskej zdrži a priľahlých lokalitách
v rokoch 2004–2009, zhodnotenie
ekosozologického významu lokality
- Repel
Chrašč P., Pačenovský S. & Uhrín J.:
Migrácia a prvé doložené hniezdenie žeriava
popolavého (Grus grus) na Slovensku
- Zvářal
& Sviečka J.: Je kalous ušatý (Asio otus)
stálý, potulný nebo tažný?
Krátke správy
Trendy početnosti
bežných druhov vtákov na Slovensku v rokoch
Trends in common birds abundance in Slovakia during
Katarína SLABEYOVÁ, Jozef RIDZOŇ & Rudolf KROPIL
SOS/BirdLife Slovensko, Mlynské nivy 41, 821 09
Bratislava, Slovensko; slabeyova@vtaky.sk,
ridzon@vtaky.sk; Lesnícka fakulta TU vo
Zvolene, Masarykova 20, 960 53 Zvolen, Slovensko;
Common bird census in Slovakia between the years
2005–2009 was organized within the framework of the
Pan European Common Bird Census Monitoring Scheme.
Altogether 37 ornithologists joined census and from
22 (year 2006) up to 37 point transects (year 2009)
were monitored. In total, 173 bird species were
observed on all transects during the monitored
period. Of them 62 species reached relative
abundance higher than 0.3%. Relative abundance
higher than 3% reached six species (Fringilla
coelebs, Sturnus vulgaris, Turdus merula, Sylvia
atricapilla, Turdus philomelos and Alauda
arvensis). Short-term trends for the years 2005–2009
were evaluated in the program TRIM 3.54. We
evaluated changes in numbers of 102 species which
were observed in representative numbers in each
season. Trends were classified as following; 11
species in steep decline, five in moderate decline,
two in strong increase, ten in moderate increase and
74 species were classified as uncertain.

potravných gíld ornitocenóz medzi lesmi dvoch
zoogeografických oblastí
Convergence in foraging guild structure of bird
assemblages between forests in two zoogeographic
Martin KORŇAN & Richard T. HOLMES
Centrum pre ekologické štúdie, Ústredie 14, 013 62
Veľké Rovné,
Slovensko; martin.kornan@gmail.com; Katedra
ochrany lesa a poľovníctva, Lesnícka fakulta TU vo
Zvolene, Masarykova 20, 960 53 Zvolen,
Slovensko; kornan@vsld.tuzvo.sk; Department of
Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New
Hampshire 03755, USA; richard.t.holmes@dartmouth.edu
We compared the foraging guild structure of bird
assemblages between two model plots in two
zoogeographic regions. The research was conducted
in a beech-maple-birch forest with
admixture of spruce in the Hubbard Brook
Experimental Forest in USA (Nearctic region) and
beech-fir forest in the Šrámková National Nature
Reserve in Slovakia (Palaearctic region).
Foraging guild structure was determined from
observed frequencies of foraging substrates used by
individual species. Data matrices
22 species × 35 variables (Nearctic)
and 26 species × 47 variables
(Palaearctic) were constructed from
the database of foraging observations.
Multivariate numerical procedures such as
bootstrapped cluster analysis (UPGMA) and
correspondence analysis (CA) were applied for
determination and interpretation
of the foraging guild structure. Four
guild categories (litter and trunk foragers, two
distinct guilds of foliage gleaners) and one
significantly different dendrogram branch were
determined in the bird assemblage of Nearctic forest
(critical threshold level α = 0.1). Six
guild categories (litter foragers, herb foragers,
trunk foragers, foliage gleaners, flycatchers, and
stream foragers) and one independent dendrogram
branch were detected in the bird assemblage in the
Palearctic forest. Presence of three analogous guild
categories connected to foraging in/on
litter/ground, on trunk and on leaves implies
convergence in evolution of bird assemblages.
Similar basic division of guilds has been described
in the eucalypt forests in the Australian region
indicating rough patterns of convergent evolution in
the structure of forest bird assemblages on the
global scale, perhaps related to similarities in the
physical structure and types of food resources of
these geographically distinct forests.

ornitocenózy mladín bukovo-smrekových lesov
a zarastajúcich rúbanísk pohoria Ostrôžky
(stredné Slovensko) Breeding bird
assemblages of young beech-spruce forests and
clearcuts of Ostrôžky Mts. (C Slovakia)
MATULA, Jozef LENGYEL, Radovan VÁCLAV, Branislav
Slovenská ornitologická spoločnosť/BirdLife
Slovensko, Mlynské Nivy 41, 821 09 Bratislava,
Slovensko; Ústav ekológie lesa SAV, Štúrova 2,
960 53 Zvolen, Slovensko;
kristin@savzv.sk; Ústav zoológie SAV, Dúbravská
cesta 9, 845 06 Bratislava, Slovensko
The early stages of forest succession, nowadays
mainly represented by clearcuts, pastures and
meadows, can be colonized by various species and
communities of animals. Breeding bird assemblages of
clearcuts, young forests (less than 20 years), and
surrounding mature (40–90 y) beech-spruce forests as
well as traditionally managed farming areas were
studied on the border of two distinct vegetation
zones (Pannonicum vs. Carpaticum). Area was also the
boundary between traditionally pasture – orchard
farming area and forest complex in Southern
Slovakia. In young beech-spruce forests, we found 39
bird species, 25 of them classified as breeding
(abundance 75 pairs/ 10 ha) and 14 as non-breeding
species. The species Sylvia communis (11 pairs/ 10
ha), Sylvia curruca (8 p/ 10 ha), Phylloscopus
collybita (7 p/ 10 ha), Phylloscopus trochilus,
Prunella modularis and Erithacus rubecula (6 p/ 10
ha each) represented the most abundant breeders. The
species Sylvia borin (3 p/ 10 ha), Caprimulgus
europaeus (1 p/ 10 ha), Parus cristatus
and Parus montanus were rare breeders of this
habitat type. In total, 73 bird species (ca 21% of
the Slovak avifauna), 69 of them classified as
breeding (ca 31% of 223 species breeding in
Slovakia) and 4 as non-breeding, were detected in
all three plots of the whole study area (ca 58 ha).
The breeding occurrence of the species Dendrocopos
leucotos, Dendrocopos minor, Coturnix coturnix, C.
europaeus, Lullula arborea, Oriolus oriolus,
Nucifraga caryocatactes, Sylvia nisoria, P.
cristatus, Parus montanus, and Loxia curvirostra was
of zoogeographic and faunistic importance.

spoločenstvo krátkodobej mokrade pri vodnej nádrži
Sĺňava (Z Slovensko)
Bird community at temporary wetland near water
reservoir Sĺňava (W Slovakia)
Zavretý kút 42/16, 921 01 Piešťany, Slovensko;
In 2008 and 2009 I observed the occurrence of birds
at temporary wetland which was at the area under
cultivation nearby water reservoir Sĺňava.
Altogether, 78 species were observed, five of them
were nesting there. Dominant species were Sturnus
vulgaris, Larus ridibundus, Anas platyrhynchos and
Vanellus vanellus. Considering the character
of the site, the major group was represented by
Charadriiformes with 23 species. Charadrius
alexandrinus and Sterna nilotica, rank among species
which have not yet been discovered in wider
surroundings of Piešťany town. Interesting was also
observation of Threskiornis aethiopicus despite the
fact that it originated from captivity. Presented
case conform revitalization capability of nature and
adaptation of birds to newly established conditions.

vtákov lužných lesov alúvia rieky Latorica
(Východoslovenská nížina)
Breeding bird communities of floodplain forests of
Latorica River (East Slovakian Lowland)
Ústav zoológie SAV, Löfflerova 10, 040 03 Košice,
Slovensko; mosansky@saske.sk
The floodplain forests of the Latorica River
inundation area (East Slovakian Lowland) belong to
important complexes of the lowland habitats in
Slovakia. Breeding birds were studied in 1997 in the
lowland swamp ash-elm-oak forests of Latorica river
in the Latorický luh I and Latorický luh II National
Nature Reserves (NNR). Bird communities consisted of
29 species with a total density of 76 pairs/ 10 ha
in Latorický luh I NNR and of the 38 species with a
total density 95.5 pairs/ 10 ha in Latorický luh II
NNR. Following dominant species were recorded there;
Fringilla coelebs, Erithacus rubecula, Phylloscopus
sibilatrix, Ficedula albicollis, Sylvia atricapilla
and Turdus merula. Rare occurrence of Ficedula
hypoleuca in oak-ash crop in Latorický luh II NNR is

komplexu rôznych biotopov v Hornonitrianskej
kotline (stredné Slovensko)
Birds of a complex of various habitats in
Hornonitrianska kotlina Basin (C Slovakia)
Krasku 8/5, 971 01 Prievidza, Slovensko;
Bird species composition and abundance in a complex
of various types of habitats (meadows, pastures,
forests and bushes) were studied during 1999–2009.
In the selected site Bôrik in Hornonitrianska
kotlina Basin (vicinity of Nitrianske Pravno,
central Slovakia), 109 bird species were found, 69
of them were assigned as breeding species.
Altogether, 1191 individuals of 57 species were
ringed during the study period there. The nest boxes
were occupied by seven hollow-nesting species.

a migrácia
vodného vtáctva na Hrušovskej zdrži
a priľahlých lokalitách v rokoch 2004–2009,
zhodnotenie ekosozologického významu lokality
Wintering and migration of waterbird species at
Hrušovská zdrž water reservoir and surrounding sites
in 2004–2009, evaluation of the site ecosozological
Richard KVETKO
Katedra ekologie, Přírodovědecká fakulta UK, Viničná
7, 128 44 Praha 2, Česko;
slabeyova@vtaky.sk; Katedra zoologie,
Přírodovědecká fakulta UK, Viničná 7, 128 44 Praha
2, Česko; ridzon@vtaky.sk; SOS/BirdLife
Slovensko, Mlynské nivy 41,
821 09 Bratislava,Slovensko; jan.svetlik@nextra.sk;
SNP 14, 903 01 Senec, Slovensko;
At Hrušovská zdrž water reservoir and its
surrounding seeping canals, 90 waterbird species
were recorded during regular visits in 2004–2009.
Altogether, 88 species were recorded at Hrušovská
zdrž itself and 40 species were recorded at seeping
canals. The most abundant species in all months at
Hrušovská zdrž was Aythya fuligula with the
dominance of 46.1–52.4%; at seeping canals it was
Tachybaptus ruficollis with the dominance of
25.8–52%. The numbers of individuals strongly
fluctuated within few days. Species Bucephala
clangula and Mergus albellus increased their
abundance always after strong temperature drop, with
the delay of several days. Changes in the abundance
could be seen since the fill up of water reservoir
in 1992. Numbers of Aythya ferina declined in the
observed period, on the contrary, in the winter
season numbers of Anas strepera, Anas penelope,
Aythya marila and Melanitta fusca increased up to
several hundreds of individuals. Systematic
monitoring confirmed that populations of Anser
albifrons, Anser fabalis, Anas platyrhynchos, A.
ferina, A. fuligula, Larus michahellis and Larus
minutus reached higher numbers than international 1%
thresholds. Species L. michahellis and L. minutus
reached this threshold only for the first time in
the season 2008/2009.

a prvé doložené hniezdenie žeriava popolavého
(Grus grus) na Slovensku
Migration and the first documented breeding of the
Crane (Grus grus) in Slovakia
L. Svobodu 26, 058 01 Poprad, Slovensko;
matejrepel@gmail.com; Povstania Českého ľudu
22, 040 22 Košice, Slovensko;
chrasc@vtaky.sk; SOS/BirdLife Slovensko,
Mlynské Nivy 41, 821 09 Bratislava 2,
Slovensko; pacenovsky@vtaky.sk, uhrin@vtaky.sk
Current migration of Cranes across the area of Senné
(at its main migratory rout in Slovakia) differs
from the past. Increasing numbers of birds tend to
stay and roost there during March and April. In 2005
their numbers reached 400–450 up to 2500 in 2008.
There was found a change in timing of the
migration. It starts earlier (February) and lasts
longer than before (November, December in mild
winters). The first breeding of the species in
Slovakia was documented in 2009 from Senné – rybníky
National Nature Reserve. A pair of adult Cranes
with a buff coloured fledgling with still
undeveloped flight-feathers was observed and
photographed at a meadow in vicinity of the
reserve on June 4. Breeding of Cranes at Senné was
supposed already from 2004–2007 but was not

kalous ušatý (Asio otus) stálý, potulný nebo
Is the Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) sedentary, nomadic
or migratory?
Dukelská 3980, 760 01 Zlín, Česko;
karel.zvaral@tiscali.cz; 2763 41 Biskupice u
Luhačovic 158, Česko
In 1997–2006 the presence of Long-eared Owl in some
regiones of eastern Moravia (Czech Republic) was
monitored. Altogether, 4660 individuals were caught
and ringed (35 ind. were controled after one year,
26 after 2 years, 4 after 3 years, 3 after 4 years,
1 after 6, 7, 8 years respectivelly). Altogether 11
recoveries (0.2%) were received from Prague ringing
center, 6 reports were from other countries (1
Russia, 2 Ukraine, 2 Slovakia, 1 Austria). One bird
was found 3 weeks later 454 km eastward in December.
None individual had ring of other country and our
bird was not controlled alive by other ringer.
Altogether 16 adult birds were caught without ring
on breeding site, none was controlled next year in
breeding season, three owls were controlled from
winter ringing on near sites. From 52 chicks 17 were
controlled from September to February, later 1 after
3 and 5 years. Great part of studied population is
apparently nomadic and migrating. One sedentary male
was caught 3 times within 3 years period but only in
winter time, and his home-range was at least 20 km2.
Long-eared Owl is not typical sedentary owl also
because it has not autumn hooting (defence of

krúžkovania vtákov na Slovensku v roku 2008
Bird-ringing results in Slovakia in 2008
ŠOP SR, Správa CHKO Ponitrie, Dlhá 3, 971 01
Prievidza, Slovensko;
vladimir.slobodnik@sopsr.sk; I. Krasku 8/5, 971
01 Prievidza, Slovensko; kruzkysk@gmail.com
In 2008, 59 members of Slovak Ornithological
Society/BirdLife Slovakia ringed altogether 39907
birds, of them 3872 were nestlings (9.7%). The most
numerous ringed species were Sylvia atricapilla
(3905 individuals), Erithacus rubecula (3285 ind.),
Hirundo rustica (3035 ind.), Parus major (1951 ind.)
and Carduelis spinus (1757 ind.). The ringed birds
belonged to 164 species. The most frequently ringed
young are discussed. Records of 10 individuals
re-trapped in Slovakia and ringed abroad as well as
12 individuals ringed in Slovakia and re-trapped
abroad are given.

správa Faunistickej komisie Slovenskej
ornitologickej spoločnosti/BirdLife Slovensko
The 9th report of the Rarities Committee of the
Slovak Ornithological Society/BirdLife Slovakia
Vladimír ŠRANK
Zoologická záhrada Bojnice, 972 01 Bojnice,
Slovensko; vladimir.srank@gmail.com,
In 2008 the Rarities Committee of the Slovak
Ornithological Society/Birdlife Slovakia discussed
in total 15 announcements from which 14 were
accepted. In the category A (new species for
Slovakia) were accepted 4 observations: Anser
indicus, Bucephala albeola, Mergus cucullatus,
Threskiornis aethiopicus. In the category C (any
occurrence and nesting of the species must by
reported) were accepted 10 observations; Aix
galericulata, Alopochen aegyptiacus, Ardea alba
modesta (2 observations), Calidris canutus,
Gelochelidon nilotica, Charadrius alexandrinus,
Larus fuscus, Melanitta nigra, Stercorarius
