Tichodroma 19 (2007)
Pôvodné práce
- Obuch
J.: Potrava krkavca čierneho (Corvus corax) na
- Bohuš
M.: Hniezdenie krakle belasej (Coracias
garrulus) na juhozápadnom Slovensku v rokoch
- Puchala
P.: Dutinové hniezdiče (Dendrocopos medius,
Ficedula parva a Ficedula albicollis) a ponuka
hniezdnych možností v Chránenom vtáčom území
Malé Karpaty
- Lešo
P.: Zmeny v hniezdnych zoskupeniach vtákov
mladých dubových porastov po 10 rokoch
- Zvářal
K.: Obsazenost ptačích budek v zimním a jarním
- Olekšák
M., Pjenčák P., Fulín M. & Matis Š:
Spoločenstvo vtákov v hniezdnom období na
ornitologickom stacionári Drienovec – použitie
metodiky CES
- Ježovič
V. & Krištín A.: Vtáctvo Arboréta Borová
hora (stredné Slovensko)
- Feriancová-Masárová
Z.: Kvalita a kvantita ornitocenózy vilovej
štvrte Bratislavy v rokoch 2000–2006
- Václav
R. & Prokop P.: Selekcia hniezdneho
habitatu strnádky ciavej (Emberiza cia) v
Národnom parku Slovenský kras
- Danko
Š., Mihók J. & Pčola Š.: Hniezdenie a
výskyty hadiara krátkoprstého (Circaetus
gallicus) na východnom Slovensku
- Danko
Š., Mihók J., Lipták J., Pčola Š. & Balla
M.: Hniezdenie haje tmavej (Milvus migrans) na
východnom Slovensku
- Danko
Š. & Mihók J.: Hniezdenie orla malého
(Hieraaetus pennatus) na východnom Slovensku v
20. storočí
- Lešo
P. & Kropil R.: Prvé potvrdené
vyhniezdenie potápača veľkého (Mergus
merganser) na Slovensku
- Darolová
A., Slabeyová K., Gúgh J., Ridzoň J. &
Dobšovič J.: Sedemnásť rokov zimného sčítania
vodného vtáctva na Dunaji – výsledky z rokov
- Šalát
J. & Rybaničová J.: Ornitocenózy
niektorých aluviálnych mokradí v antropicky
pozmenenom prostredí Poiplia
- Trnka
A. & Prokop P.: Vplyv zimného kosenia
trstiny v Národnej prírodnej rezervácii
Parížske močiare na hniezdnu úspešnosť
- Kaňuščák
P. & Matejovič B.: Výskyt a zimovanie
labute spevavej (Cygnus cygnus) v širšom okolí
Piešťan (Z Slovensko)
Krátke správy
krkavca čierneho (Corvus corax) na Slovensku
of the Raven (Corvus corax) in Slovakia
Botanická záhrada Univerzity Komenského, 038 15
Blatnica, Slovensko; obuch@rec.uniba.sk
The food was studied with using analysis of
pellets from breeding and roosting places of the
Raven. The frequency of anorganic, anthropic,
vegetable and animal components has been evaluated
from 19 samples with 20, or 30 pellets. The
samples were evaluated in the following separate
groups: lowlands, basin and mountains. Abundance
of animal species in fresh pellets manifests a
higher diversity in the lowland samples, while
samples from basins and mountains are dominated by
Microtus arvalis. Long-term accumulation of Raven
food remnants was found in rocks where these birds
breed or roost. In such sites the animal food
component is distinguished by a great species
diversity. Some animals were brought to these
sites by birds from a distance of 10 km or more.
The problem of the Raven as a pest for the game
(and hunting) is discussed, too.
krakle belasej (Coracias garrulus) na
juhozápadnom Slovensku v rokoch 2001–2006
of the European Roller (Coracias
garrulus) in south-west Slovakia during 2001–2006
a fyziotaktiky, Prírodovedecká fakulta UK, Mlynská
dolina, 842 15, Bratislava, Slovensko;
Altogether 17 breedings
were recorded (four in 2001, two in 2002 and 2003,
four in 2004, three in 2005, two in 2006). Since
2002, in 13 cases, there were nine successful
breedings. Number of fledgelings per a successful
nest varied between 2 and 5 (mean = 3.7, ±SD = 1).
The egg predation was the most important factor of
unsuccessful breeding (4 cases). Cavities after
the Picus sp. were used most frequently (n = 8),
less that ones after Dryocopus martius (5) and the
nest-boxes (4). Repeated breeding in the same
hollows or the nest-box was confirmed. In a single
nest-box used in three successive seasons, the
same female bred in 2004 and 2006; probably also
in 2005. Repeated breeding of the same male was
highly probable, too.
hniezdiče (Dendrocopos medius, Ficedula parva a
Ficedula albicollis) a ponuka hniezdnych
možností v Chránenom vtáčom území Malé Karpaty
breeding species (Dendrocopos medius, Ficedula
parva and Ficedula albicollis) and supply of
breeding possibilities in the Special Protecion
Area Malé Karpaty
Správa CHKO Malé Karpaty, Štúrova 115, 900 01
Modra, Slovensko; peter.puchala@sopsr.sk
Three hole breeding
species (Dendrocopos medius, Ficedula parva,
Ficedula albicollis) were studied with the point
census method in the Special Protection Area Malé
Karpaty. Occurence of these species was studied at
14 transects situated in oak, oak-beech and beech
forest stands. The density of Middle Spotted
Woodpecker reached 0.9 pairs/ 10 ha at transect
Lindava. The density of Red Breasted Flycatcher
reached at one transect (beech stands – Hajdúky)
0.5 pairs/ 10 ha. The density of Collared
Flycatcher reached from 2.1 to 3.9 pairs/ 10 ha on
transects. In 6 transects the density of hollow
trees was studied, as well. The highest number of
cavities was found in the old oak forest Lindava
(19 hole trees/ 1 ha) and in the old beech forest
Roštún (14 hole trees/ 1 ha). Both these transects
were situated in nature reserves. In managed
forest, there were found from 6 to 8 hole trees/ 1
v hniezdnych zoskupeniach vtákov mladých
dubových porastov po 10 rokoch
in breeding bird assemblages of young oak forests
after 10 years
lesa a poľovníctva, Lesnícka fakulta TU vo
Zvolene, Masarykova 20, 960 53 Zvolen, Slovensko;
Breeding bird
assemblages of two oak forest stands in phase of
pole-stage were compared based on the results
obtained in 1996–1998. In comparison with the
previous period, the mean stand height increased
by 4 m, mean tree thickness by 6 cm and all
reserved trees were removed. The structure of
breeding bird assemblages on the two study plots
has not markedly changed. Conditions for nesting
of some hole-nesters have disappeared, owing to
reserve trees removed in recent years. The natural
holes and semi-holes has been emerging in the
current pole-stage, which conditioned breeding of
a relative high number of tits, and the total
density of hole-nesters has not changed in
comparison with the previous period. The
canopy-nesters density has increased owing to a
considerably higher abundance of Fringilla
coelebs. The increasing species number, diversity
and density is presumed in the next years towards
the forest rotation age.
ptačích budek v zimním a jarním období
of nest-boxes in winter and spring seasons
760 01 Zlín, Česko; karel.zvaral@tiscali.cz
Nest-boxes occupancy
was studied in winters 2003/2004–2006/2007 and in
springs 2004–2006. The monitored locality is
situated northward of Zlín (Czech Republic) and
eight lines of boxes for passerines have been
placed in a mixed forest at a height of 1.5–2 m.
Occupancy in winter was relatively high: 2003/2004
– 77.9%, 2004/2005 – 73%, 2005/2006 – 41.6%,
2006/2007 – 67.5%(mean 65.4%, max. occurrence
100%). Parus major occupied 65.9% of boxes. Sitta
europea occupied 29.9% of boxes and the occupancy
decreased apparently due to a disturbance (from
51.7% in 2004 to 13.9% in 2007). Parus caeruleus
occupied 3.6%, Dendrocopos major 0.6% of boxes in
winter. Occupancy of boxes in spring: in 2004 was
90.3%, in 2005 was 92.6%, in 2006 was 91.4%.
Dominant breeder was P. major which occupied 66.6%
of boxes. Sitta europaea bred in 9.5%, P.
caeruleus bred in 8.5%, Ficedula albicollis in
4.3%, Parus sp. in 3.2%. After the long snowy
winter 2006, there were ascertained +2Y (Y = years
old) birds (23% of P. major and 15.3% of S.
europaea) and +3Y birds (3.2% of S. europaea). In
the warm and snow less winter 2007, there were
ascertained +2Y birds (45.5% of P. major and 26.7%
of S. europaea), +3Y birds (16.1% of P. major and
6.9% of S. europaea), +4Y birds (1.5% of P. major
and 7.9% of S. europaea).
vtákov v hniezdnom období na ornitologickom
stacionári Drienovec – použitie metodiky CES
nesting community of the Drienovec Bird Ringing
CES programme
Štefan MATIS
059 55, Slovensko; milan.oleksak@sopsr.sk;
Sídlisko Okulka 7/1, 093 01 Vranov nad Topľou,
Slovensko; pjencak@stonline.sk; Východoslovenské
múzeum, Hviezdoslavova 3, 041 36 Košice,
Slovensko; fulin@zoznam.sk; ŠOP SR, Správa NP
Slovenský kras, Biely kaštieľ, 049 51 Brzotín,
Slovensko; stefan.matis@sopsr.sk
The methodology of the
CES programme was used at the Drienovec Bird
Ringing Station for the first time in 2006.
Altogether 174 m of nets were installed and used
consistently in the same locations; basic
methodology rules for bird catching/ringing were
established. In addition, the habitats of the
involved wetland area were described, with focus
on areas adjacent to nets installations. During
the nesting season (May 3 – July 28), 1288
individuals were caught, representing 38 bird
species. On average 143 new individuals were
ringed during 9 visits. Forest species, e.g.
Sylvia atricapilla, Erithacus rubecula,
Coccothraustes coccothraustes, Turdus merula,
Fringilla coelebs and Parus major were dominant.
In May only adult birds came across; at the
beginning of June some juveniles were caught and
they gradually started dominating catch samples.
Not all the caught species were considered nesting
in the area. Several tropical migrants were
captured during May, as well as species from the
hospites group.
Arboréta Borová hora (stredné Slovensko)
of Arboretum Borová hora (Central Slovakia)
Arborétum Borová hora
TU vo Zvolene, Borovianska cesta 2171/61, 960 53
Zvolen, Slovensko; jezovic@vsld.tuzvo.sk; Ústav
ekológie lesa SAV, Štúrova 2, 960 53 Zvolen,
Slovensko; kristin@savzv.sk
Birds of Arboretum
Borová hora (48 ha) in Zvolen (Central Slovakia)
were studied using the transect method in
2001–2007, combined with mapping of breeding
territories in breeding periods (2006–2007). There
were found altogether118 bird species, 71 of them
breeding, 16 hospites and 31 permigrants. For 71
breeding species was their total density estimated
to 543 pairs (nearly 100 pairs/ 10ha). As
dominant, there were found mainly the forest
species: Fringilla coelebs (38 pairs/ 48ha),
Turdus philomelos (37), Turdus merula (36), Sylvia
atricapilla (30), Parus major (20), Erithacus
rubecula and Phylloscopus collybita (each 16),
Parus caeruleus (15)and Coccothraustes
coccothraustes (14). The breeding species Picus
viridis and Picus canus confirm the high quality of
habitats in the Arboretum. Furthermore, there were
found some species representing riparian forests
(Luscinia megarhynchos, Locustella fluviatilis,
Acrocephalus palustris, Oriolus oriolus), parks
(trushes, Hippolais icterina, Muscicapa striata),
many species of broad-leaved forests, but also
conifers in mountains (Parus cristatus, Regulus
regulus, Pyrrhula pyrrhula). The maximum number of
breeding species (37) was found with a density of
97 pairs in small remnants of riparian forest (3
ha). The purest habitat of the five investigated
was meadows with 28 species (density 97 pairs/ 16
ha). In comparison with the census 25 years ago,
there were found by 17% more species in total and
29% more breeding species. The cause of these
differences can be explained by different age and
succession of growths, as well as different stage
of knowledge of the regional avifauna.
a kvantita ornitocenózy vilovej štvrte
Bratislavy v rokoch 2000–2006
and quantity of a bird community in the
residential district of Bratislava during the
years 2000–2006
3, 811 01, Bratislava, Slovensko
The study area between
Bôrik and Bratislava Castle (5 ha) is
characterized by typical residential architecture.
The green area, especially numerous coniferous
trees (mainly spruces), a lot of them more than 70
years old, is of great importance for the bird
community. The bird species, their numbers and
behaviour were monitored and recorded by direct
observation nearly daily in 1979–2006. Altogether
80 bird species were found, 18 of them were
residents (indigeni homocoeni), 15 remained in the
area and also in Slovakia during the warm period
of the year (indigeni heterocoeni), 29 species
visited the area for food or roosting (hospites).
One of the species was a winter guest, and it was
flying over the area from the fields for the food
and back (alieni) and 17 species were flying over
the area accidentally or stayed there for some
limited period of time (vicini). The affinity of
the species to the habitat, breeding or other type
of presence, number of pairs (minimum and
maximum), or individuals within the area, relative
abundance and dominance (eudominant, dominant,
subdominant, recedent) were analysed there. In
breeding species, there were compared the minimum
and maximum numbers of pairs during three periods
(1979–1992, 1996–1999 and the last 2000–2006). In
the same area, there were used the same methods,
and the results of ornithology research gained in
25 years could be compared.
hniezdneho habitatu strnádky ciavej (Emberiza
cia) v Národnom parku Slovenský kras
habitat selection in the Rock Bunting (Emberiza
cia) in the National Park Slovenský kras
SAV, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 06 Bratislava,
Slovensko; radovan.vaclav@savba.sk
Breeding territories
were determined based on regular counts of singing
male Rock Buntings between April – July in
2003–2006. During the study period, 21–25 breeding
territories per 16 ha per year were detected. Most
of the breeding territories were defended during
all the study years. In total, there were
determined 34 unique breeding territories and 20
habitat patches interspersed between them. These
patches were not defended by males during any of
the study years. Ten habitat parameters were
measured for both breeding and non-breeding
habitat patches. The chance that a patch within a
suitable habitat would be selected was
significantly determined by the bush and stone
cover, and by horizontal surface complexity (ditch
density). Specifically, Rock Buntings in the study
area selected for breeding patches showing
relatively lower bush cover, relatively higher
stone cover, and higher horizontal surface
complexity. Breeding habitat selection in Slovakia
was discussed taking into account the results
reported for other populations of the species. The
biological reasoning behind the habitat selection
pattern in Rock Buntings was presented, and
suggestions for habitat management were proposed.
a výskyty hadiara krátkoprstého (Circaetus
gallicus) na východnom Slovensku
and occurrence of the Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus
gallicus) in Eastern Slovakia
1, 071 01 Michalovce, Slovensko; danko@gecom.sk;
Buzulucká 23, 040 00 Košice, Slovensko;
mihok@centrum.sk; ŠOP SR, Správa NP Poloniny,
Mieru 193, 067 61 Stakčín, Slovensko;
The species is today
the rarest bird of prey in Slovakia. Up to 1976,
breeding was known only from Slovenský kras (2
pairs). In 1976, the breeding was confirmed also in
the Volovské vrchy Mts. (1 pair), in 1977 in
Vihorlat and in 1986 in Zemplínske vrchy Mts. (1
pair). The breeding of two another pairs was found
in following years in Vihorlat Mts. and the third
pair hunted there, but bred in Ukraine. In the
paper we summarized all known breeding data, but
also all published and unpublished data on
occurrence and probable breeding from E Slovakia.
Probable breeding over the 20th century
was supposed: 1–2 pairs Bukovské vrchy Mts., 1
pair Čergov, 1–2 pairs Laborecká vrchovina hills,
1 pair Ondavská vrchovina hills, 3 pairs Slanské
vrchy Mts., 2 pairs Slovenský kras, 1 pair
Vihorlat ans 1 pair Volovské vrchy Mts. Hence,
altogether 18–20 breeding pairs were known in E
Slovakia. Another data mentioned in the paper were
probably about foraging territories. The number of
breeding pairs started to decresase from year
2000, and in 2006 only one breeding pair was
known. Lost of suitable hunting habitats (deserted
pastures and non-mowed meadows resulted in
secondary succession) seems to be one of the main
expected reasons of this negative population
trend. Data on breeding biology and ecology are
discussed. Three nearest nests were located at
distances of 12 and 12 km. Egg laying most often
started towards April, 20 but it was found also
one month later. The nests were located on oak
(8), beech (5), black locust and fir (each 4), pine
(3), hornbeam and spruce (each 2) and once on lime
tree. The nests were used mostly once, but in one
case repeatedly in seven successive years. The
nests were built together by male and female. The
young fledged at the end of August or at the
beginning of September. Within 1976–2006 authors
registered altogether 27 fledged young. Some pairs
did not breed in some years. In the food were
found Anguis fragilis (10), Natrix natrix (5),
Natrix sp., Elaphe longissima and unidentified
snakes (3), Coronella austriaca (1), Vipera berus
(1), Lacerta viridis (1) and Bufo bufo (1).
haje tmavej (Milvus migrans) na východnom
of the Black Kite (Milvus
migrans) in Eastern Slovakia
1, 071 01 Michalovce, Slovensko; danko@gecom.sk;
Buzulucká 23, 040 00 Košice, Slovensko;
mihok@centrum.sk; Lomnická 44, 040 01 Košice,
Slovensko; ŠOP SR, Správa NP Poloniny, Mieru 193,
067 61 Stakčín, Slovensko; pcola@sopsr.sk; ŠOP SR,
Správa CHKO Latorica, M. R. Štefánika 1555, 076 16
Trebišov, Slovensko; milos.balla@sopsr.sk
Altogether 14 confirmed
and 20 probable breeding sites of the Black Kite
were found in seven orographic units in E Slovakia
(Čergov, Košická kotlina, Ondavská vrchovina,
Slanské vrchy, Slovenský kras, Šarišská vrchovina
and Východoslovenská rovina) up to the end of
1964. Between 1964 and 1990, there were found 31
confirmed and another 15 probable breeding sites in
10 orographic units (almost in Beskydské
predhorie, Bukovské vrchy, Čierna hora, Laborecká
vrchovina, Vihorlatské vrchy and Východoslovenská
pahorkatina). The E Slovakian population of the
Black Kite bred not only in lowlands but also in
mountains up to 760 m. This species became extinct
in Slovenský kras in the 60th of the last
century and its abundance mainly decreased during
1980–1990 and since 1990 the Black Kite has been
breeding only in Východoslovenská rovina – in
riparian forests along the Latorica, Laborec and
Bodrog rivers (6 confirmed pairs and 1–2 probable
pairs). Phenology of migration, food, breeding
sites and breeding biology and ecology are
discussed, too.
orla malého (Hieraaetus pennatus) na východnom
Slovensku v 20. storočí
of the Booted Eagle (Hieraaetus
pennatus) in Eastern Slovakia in the 20th century
1, 071 01 Michalovce, Slovensko; danko@gecom.sk;
Buzulucká 23, 040 00 Košice, Slovensko;
Breeding of the Booted
Eagle in Slovakia was documented only in eastern
part of the country (Slanské vrchy Mts. and
Vihorlatské vrchy Mts.) from 1964 up to 1991. Most
probably, the species also bred in Slovenský kras.
In Slanské vrchy Mts. it bred in 1964–1989
(southern and central part of area). The longest
breeding period of 2–3 pairs was recorded in
Bogota area (Slanské vrchy Mts.) over 1973–1989.
Since 1991, only single individuals were rarely
observed in Eastern Slovakia, the last one in
1998. In 60s and 70s of the 20th century,
we estimated all population sizes as 8–10 breeding
pairs. Faunistical records are supplemented with
data on phenolgy and breeding biology. Young
eagles were relatively often predated by hawks. In
the diet of eagles, occurred predominantly birds,
often passerines. Some individuals of young
Spermophilus citellus were recorded there, too.
potvrdené vyhniezdenie potápača veľkého (Mergus
merganser) na Slovensku
documented successful breeding of Goosander (Mergus
merganser) in Slovakia
lesa a poľovníctva, Lesnícka fakulta TU vo
Zvolene, Masarykova 20, 960 53 Zvolen, Slovensko;
leso@vsld.tuzvo.sk, kropil@vsld.tuzvo.sk
occurrence of the Goosander was recorded during
the breeding periods 2004–2007 in the
middle-stream of the River Hron. Occurrence
relates to spreading of Goosander’s breeding area
in the middle Europe during the recent decades.
The part of the River Hron between Zvolen and Žiar
nad Hronom(27 km)was regularly monitored using a
boat from April to June in 2004–2007. The breeding
of the Goosander was not confirmed in 2004–2007, in
spite of sporadic displays of the breeding
behaviour. Finally, two females with 3 and 8
chicks at age of several days were observed on May
27, 2007. One of them with eight juveniles was
observed and documented also next day in the same
rokov zimného sčítania vodného vtáctva na Dunaji
– výsledky z rokov 1991–2007
Seventeen years of
winter waterfowl census at the River Danube –
results from years 1991–2007
SAV, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 06, Bratislava,
Slovensko; uzaedaro@savba.sk; Katedra ekologie,
PřF UK, Viničná 7, 128 44 Praha 2, Česko;
iwcslovakia@yahoo.com; 941 41 Bešeňov 521,
Slovensko; johnyg82@yahoo.com; SOS/BirdLife
Slovensko, Mlynské nivy 41, 821 09 Bratislava,
Slovensko; ridzon@vtaky.sk; Švabinského 5, 851 01
Bratislava, Slovensko; dobsovic@vtaky.sk
River Danube and water
reservoir Gabčíkovo belong to the most important
wintering sites for water birds in Slovakia. In
years 1991–2007, winter water bird census was
organized annually on 12–24 sections of River
Danube. In this period we counted from 17934 to
98393 individuals of waterfowl, representing 23–44
species. The most common species at the observed
section of River Danube was Anas platyrhynchos
during ten winters, Aythya fuligula during six
winters and Aythya ferina in one winter. Abundance
of water birds varied according to weather
conditions. Numbers of waterfowl were in smaller
scale influenced by other factors, e.g. hunting and
human disturbing. Gabčíkovo water reservoir was
the most important wintering site for Aythya
fuligula in the Central Europe and the most
important wintering site for Bucephala clangula in
niektorých aluviálnych mokradí v antropicky
pozmenenom prostredí Poiplia
assemblages of some alluvial wetlands in
human-changed environment of the Poiplie area
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Mlynská
dolina, 842 15 Bratislava, Slovensko;
salat@fns.uniba.sk; Katedra ekológie a
environmentalistiky, Univerzita Konštantína
Filozofa v Nitre, Tr. A. Hlinku 1, 949 01 Nitra,
Slovensko; jana.bartova@vtaky.sk
Altogether 151 bird
species (48.3% of them waterfowl and at water
living species) were found in two localities
(Bušince and Kiarov) during the years 2004–2006.
There were found 20 resident breeding species
(13.3%) and 29 (19%) migratory breeding species.
Permigrants made 33.8% of all species and 30.5%
were formed of hospites.
zimného kosenia trstiny v Národnej prírodnej
rezervácii Parížske močiare na hniezdnu
úspešnosť spevavcov
of winter reedbeds cutting on passerine breeding
success in the Parížske močiare National Nature
Trnavská univerzita, Priemyselná 4, 918 43 Trnava,
Slovensko; atrnka@truni.sk
Common Reed is
frequently used as thatching material in European
building industry. However, the impact of reed
cutting on birds is poorly known, and it is often
and issue of controversial discussions between
environmentalists and harvesters. This paper
presents results of an experimental study on the
nest predation risk in cut and uncut reedbeds in
the Parížske močiare National Nature Reserve in
2006. There were no differences in artificial nest
predation rate between the cut and uncut
vegetation. Moreover, the nests were most
frequently predated by bird predators in both cut
and uncut reedbeds. We suppose that traditional
winter cutting of reed over a small area „on ice”,
has not a considerable impact on nesting success
of reed passerine birds. The only problem could be
the shift in timing of breeding. The birds
occupying uncut reedbeds start to nest earlier
than those in cut reedbeds. Therefore, they may
have more (second or replacement) clutches per
season and hence achieve a higher rate of
reproductive success.
a zimovanie labute spevavej (Cygnus cygnus) v
širšom okolí Piešťan (Z Slovensko)
and wintering of Whooper Swan (Cygnus
cygnus) in wider surroundings of Piešťany (W
42/16, 921 01 Piešťany, Slovensko;
kanuscak@kios.sk; 956 07 Behynce 65, Slovensko;
Whooper Swan is not a
major but a regular migrant and winter guest in
wider surroundings of Piešťany. The first data come
from 1861. Since 1997 the birds appear yearly at
the area observed. By now we registered one to
nine specimens in the time period from October 29
to April 30. The most common place of wintering
was the bypass channel of River Váh, from where
the birds flew to overnight at the Sĺňava water
reservoir. They spent nights at Sĺňava even in the
periods when it was frozen. They flew for food also
to other biotopes. The maximum flight distance was
10 km. In more cases (five of eight checked birds)
they stayed in the area for longer than 100 days.
We noticed the difference in flight distance
between the channel and other areas. The presence
of Cygnus cygnus was tolerated by other birds. The
major food during the stay was water plants, e.g.
Potamogeton sp., Myriophyllum verticilatum. In the
fields they used to feed themselves with leaves of
Brassica napus. A partly tamed individual was
willing to be fed with bread, rolls and wheat.
vtákov na Slovensku v roku 2006
results in Slovakia in 2006
Správa CHKO Ponitrie, Dlhá 3, 971 01 Prievidza,
Slovensko; vladimir.slobodnik@sopsr.sk; M. R.
Štefánika 43, 082 21 Veľký Šariš, Slovensko;
In 2006, 57 members of
the Slovak Ornithological Society/ BirdLife
Slovakia ringed altogether 29075 birds, 3659 of
them were nestlings (12.6 %). The most numerous
ringed species were Sylvia atricapilla (3453
individuals), Erithacus rubecula (2706 ind.),
Coccothraustes coccothraustes (1576 ind.),
Fringilla coelebs (1365 ind.) and Phylloscopus
collybita (1225 ind.). The ringed birds belonged
to 164 species. Lists of ten most frequently
ringed passerines and ten non-passerines are
given. The most frequently ringed young are also
discussed. Results of 12 species re-trapped in
Slovakia and ringed abroad as well as 8 species
ringed in Slovakia and re-trapped abroad are
správa Faunistickej komisie Slovenskej
ornitologickej spoločnosti/BirdLife Slovensko
report of the Rarities Committee of the
Slovak Ornithological Society/BirdLife Slovakia
Bojnice, 972 01 Bojnice, Slovensko;
In 2006 the Rarities Committee of the Slovak
Ornithological Society/Birdlife Slovakia discussed
in total 25 announcements from which 23 were
accepted. In the category A (new species for
Slovakia) were accepted 3 observations: Anser
caerulescens, Hirundo daurica, Oenanthe deserti.
In the category B (new nidificants for Slovakia)
were accepted 1 observation: Tadorna tadorna. In
the category C (any occurrence and nesting of the
species must by reported) were accepted 17
observations of the following species: Arenaria
interpres (2 observations), Buteo rufinus, Calidris
alba, Calidris canutus, Circus macrourus, Cygnus
cygnus, Emberiza hortulana, Gyps fulvus (3
observations), Haematopus ostralegus, Limosa
lapponica, Melanitta nigra, Pluvialis squatarola,
Somateria mollissima (2 observations). In the
category D (any nesting of the species must by
reported) were accepted nest occurrence of Larus
canus and Larus melanocephalus.