Tichodroma 32 (2020):
57–62. DOI:10.31577/tichodroma.2020.32.7
Krátka správa / Short communication
hniezdnej denzite a neobvyklému hniezdnemu
správaniu Certhia brachydactyla na
západnom Slovensku
On breeding density and unusual breeding
behaviour of the Short-toed Treecreeper (Certhia
brachydactyla) in Western Slovakia
Scherrera 36, 921 01 Piešťany, Slovensko;
Ústav ekológie lesa SAV, Ľ. Štúra 2, 960 01, Zvolen,
Slovensko; kristin@ife.sk
Abstract. Breeding and breeding density was
studied in the Short-toed Treecreeper (Certhia
brachydactyla) in two sites (riparian forest
and park habitat) in Western Slovakia in 2015–2020.
The breeding density was 3–5 nests (mean 4.2, i.e.
2.63 nests/10 ha, the highest 3.13/10 ha in 2018 and
2020) in riparian forest (16 ha study plot, near
Piešťany town), using the nest mapping method, and
3–4 males (mean 3.2, i.e. 4.4 males/10 ha) in old
park in Nitra town (7.2 ha), using the territories
mapping method. The nests were built in trees 1–7.2
m high (mean 2.5 m, n = 32) in riparian forest and
they were located mostly in poplar (15) and willow
(4). Two nests were found only seven meters each of
other and three adult individuals were feeding the
young in these two nests. Hence, probably twof
emales fed own young and one male fed young in both
nests during two days before their fledging (April
25 and 26, 2020).
Key words: breeding biology, treecreeper,
parental care, pairing system

Citácia / Cite as
Kočí J. & Krištín A. 2020: K hniezdnej denzite a
neobvyklému hniezdnemu správaniu Certhia
brachydactyla na západnom Slovensku.
Tichodroma 32: 57–62. DOI:

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