Tichodroma 32 (2020):
47–50. DOI:10.31577/tichodroma.2020.32.3
Krátka správa / Short communication
the occurrence and diet of a migrating Woodchat
Shrike (Lanius senator) in Slovakia
K výskytu a potrave migrujúcich strakošov
červenohlavých (Lanius senator) na Slovensku
Scherrera 36, SK-921 01 Piešťany, Slovakia
Institute of Forest Ecology of the Slovak Academy of
Sciences SAS, Ľ. Štúra 2, SK-960 01, Zvolen,
Slovakia; kristin@ife.sk
Abstract. Occurrence and food composition on
migration stopover is described in the regionally
extinct breeding bird, the Woodchat Shrike in
Slovakia. All vagrant birds in the last 20 years
were observed in May in agricultural landscape,
similarly to most vagrants of the species observed
elsewhere in Central Europe. In the food of the
individual bird at the migration stopover in western
Slovakia there were found mainly the field crickets
(Gryllus campestris; 31%) and carabids of the
genus Pterostichus (19%) and beetles (Scarabeidae;
18%). Food composition and history of occurrence of
the species in Slovakia and central Europe is
Key words: shrikes, Laniidae, migration
stopover, foraging, Central Europe
Citácia / Cite as
Kočí J. & Krištín A. 2020: On the occurrence and
diet of a migrating Woodchat Shrike (Lanius
senator) in Slovakia. Tichodroma 32: 47–50.
DOI: 10.31577/tichodroma.2020.32.3
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