Tichodroma 22 (2010)
Original papers
biológii hniezdenia penice čiernohlavej v
antropicky pozmenených biotopoch
On breeding biology of the Blackcap in
man-changed habitats
Katedra biológie a ekológie, Pedagogická fakulta KU
v Ružomberku, Hrabovská cesta 1, 03401 Ružomberok,
Slovensko; michal.balaz@ku.sk, mbalazova@gmail.com
The Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) is a common
passerine species in all parts of Slovakia and
within many habitats
belongs to the frequent and one of the most numerous
breeding species. It occurs not only in natural
habitats but
commonly inhabits also man made and man changed
habitats where usually reaches high densities. Due
to high
breeding density of this species in fragmented and
artificial habitat we examined several patterns of
its breeding
biology in windbreaks and forest fragment of SW
Slovakia, to determine potential differences caused
by both
habitat and density specificity. Our results were
compared with data from literature concerning
Blackcap breeding
biology from different habitats. The present data
show that there was not important difference in
breeding biology
patterns of this species in windbreaks and forest
fragment except the higher density of breeding pairs
and higher
nests success. Thus most of the aspects of species
breeding biology tend to be conservative and they
are probably
substantially influenced neither by the habitat
composition nor by the breeding density.

reprodukčné parametre vrabca domového s veľkosťou
alebo kvalitou hniezda?
Are reproductive parameters of the House Sparrows
related to nest size or quality?
Radovan VÁCLAV
Ústav zoológie SAV, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 06
Bratislava, Slovensko; Radovan.Vaclav@savba.sk
Several hypotheses have been suggested to explain
inter- as well as intra-specific variation in nest
size. While
quantitative nest parameters are often used as a
proxy for nest quality, qualitative measures of
nests are seldom
examined. Here I examine whether clutch size,
hatching success and fledgling numbers correlate
with quantitative
and qualitative nest parameters in House Sparrows
(Passer domesticus). I found that total nest weight
and the
proportion of feathers weight in nest-boxes did not
differ between years. On the other hand, the weight
of plastic strings and hay differed inter-annually.
Total hay weight and the weight proportion of
strings were
repeatable for the same nest-boxes between two
years. After controlling for the effect of laying
date, clutch size
was found to be related to the total weight of
strings – clutch size decreased with increasing
springs weight.
Hatching success and fledgling numbers decreased
with increasing laying date, but they did not vary
with any
nest parameter. This study is in line with the
hypothesis stating that nests function as indicators
(signals), but it
points to the fact that quantitative nest parameters
should be combined with qualitative ones. Also, a
higher nest
building activity or a higher weight of some nest
components might not necessarily be associated with
performance or phenotypic quality.

čierny (Corvus frugilegus) v meste Poprad
The Rook (Corvus frugilegus) in Poprad town
Jaroslav ILAVSKÝ & Peter URBAN
Tajovskeho 2600/8, 058 01 Poprad, Slovensko;
ilavsky.j@aminet.sk; Katedra biológie a
ekológie, Fakulta prírodných vied UMB, Tajovského
40, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovensko;
Monitoring of the population of the Rook was
conducted within the boundaries of Poprad town
during two
breeding seasons in 2009 and 2010. The number of
nesting pairs increased by 14.4% in 2010 compared to
As the most limiting factors are shown management
performed by the official town authorities and
activities in the colonies surrounding. These
factors decreased the numbers of breeding pairs of
the main colony
in the park habitat near the railway station (by
37.3%) and the subsequently it caused creation of 11
new colonies
in different parts of the town.

v aktivite sýkoriek na kŕmidlách počas zimy
Changes in the activity of tits on bird tables
during winter
Ústav ekológie lesa SAV, Štúrova 2, 960 53 Zvolen,
Slovensko; bigger12@seznam.cz, kristin@savzv.sk
The birds were mist-netted at bird tables and ringed
during two winters in regular 5–7 day intervals.
Birds activity
in two different types of habitat was analysed
(mixed beech-fir forest vs. ecotone of oak-hornbeam
forest). We
recorded number of individuals, sex and age in four
most abundant insectivorous species (n =711 birds in
forest, 815 in ecotone of broadleaved forest): Parus
major (63.3%), Parus caeruleus (22.3%), Parus ater
and Parus palustris (4.2%). In general we trapped
more young birds (<1 year) than old ones (> 1
year). In both
habitats we trapped more males than females of P.
major and P. ceruleus. Species P. caeruleus and P.
ater had
probably longer period for adaptation to new food
sources (bird table) in mixed forest. Parus
palustris used the
bird tables by the end of February, regardless of

hniezd a ich využitie dravcami a sovami v
poľnohospodárskej krajine Podunajskej nížiny
Supply of nests and their use by raptors in an
agricultural landscape of Danubian Lowland
Ronald JENEI
Matejkova 10, 841 05 Bratislava, Slovensko;
Falcons and most species of owls do not build their
own nests. They breed in large tree cavities, rock
benches or ledges. When such opportunities are
absent, they occupy suitable old nests or usurp new
active nests
of other birds. In the study area, located in a
cultural steppe of the Danubian Lowland, where large
tree or rock
cavities are completely missing, nesting of Eurasian
Kestrel, Eurasian Hobby and Long-eared Owl was
They occupy mostly nests of species as Common
Buzzard, European Magpie and Hooded Crow. It was
found that
26 out of 50 active nests were occupied by falcons
and owls (n = 204 nests). Presented research shows
demand for protecting species that build nests
suitable for rare raptors.

ptáků v budkách v lesních biotopech
Roosting birds in nest-boxes in forest habitats
Dukelská 3980, 760 01 Zlín, Česko;
Birds sleeping in nest-boxes were observed in winter
months during course of 7 years (2004– 2010). Three
species of passerines were ascertained in boxes with
small entrance located in mixed forest northward of
(Czech Republic). Parus major (PM) occupied 65.5%
(59.4% M, 40.6 % F), Sitta europea (SE) 30.7 % and
caeruleus 3.8 %. Average occupancy of boxes was
72.9%, lowest in snowy winter 2006 41.6%, highest in
winter 2008 85.8%. Share of ringed birds was in
average 33%, lowest in 1st year of control: 15.8%,
highest in
2008: 48.6%. Birds older than five years were very
rare. Irregular differences in results from six
lines of boxes
were found. Percentage of ringed birds on nine
feeding places with sunflower seed was 20% (0–44 %),
palustris and Parus montanus were most numerous
species. Great part of birds was territorial in
snowy winter
and they were able to find some food. PM was
controlled next year in the same boxes in 45.8%, SE
in 27.7%.
On neighbouring localities (50–150 m) were found
35.7% of PM and 50% of SE, 200–400 m far 15.3% PM
18.1% SE. Some older birds (1.6% PM and 1.1% SE),
were controlled in new distant territories, more
than 1000
m from previous winter territory.

zoskupenie vtáctva mozaiky biotopov v
Bodvianskej pahorkatine (J Slovensko)
Breeding bird assemblage of mosaic habitats in the
Bodvianska pahorkatina hills (S Slovakia)
Gemersko-malohontské múzeum, Nám. M. Tompu 5, 979
01 Rimavská Sobota, Slovensko;
Monitoring of breeding bird assemblage, using CES
Scheme methodology, was carried out on the
locality Dolná
Lapša near the town Tornaľa in the Bodvianska
pahorkatina hills in 2008– 2009. The length of the
used was 108 m, most of them were installed in dry
scrub. In 2008 altogether 313 individuals of 34
species were
caught during 9 mist-nettings. Of them, 170 were
adults and 143 juveniles. In 2009 altogether 295
individuals of
24 species were caught, of them 150 were adults
and 145 juveniles. Species Erithacus rubecula,
Sylvia atricapilla,
Lanius collurio, Turdus merula and Parus major
were dominant in both study seasons. The first
juveniles were
ringed during the third visit in both years of the
survey. The juveniles represented 45.7% of all
caught individuals
in 2008 and 49.2% in 2009, respectively.

Keťských rybníkov (Z Slovensko)
Bird assemblages of the Keťské rybníky ponds (W
Ústav krajinnej ekológie SAV, Štefánikova 3, 814
99 Bratislava, Slovensko;
eva.kalivodova@savba.sk; Ústav zoológie SAV,
Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 06 Bratislava, Slovensko;
During 2000–2010 we found the occurrence of 97
bird species (43 waterbird species). Within water
birds, 13
species were nesting, whereas nesting in two
species was probable. In riparian vegetation, 21
bird species were
nesting. The characteristic species of this site
were Anas sp., Cygnus olor, Fulica atra, Podiceps
cristatus and
Aythya ferina. From the total number of birds, 13
species (Nycticorax nycticorax, Egretta alba,
Ardea purpurea,
Ixobrychus minutus, Cygnus olor, Aythya nyroca,
Circus aeruginosus, Circus cyaneus, Falco
columbarius, Sterna
hirundo, Chlidonias niger, Alcedo atthis, Lanius
collurio) are of European importance. Destruction
of riparian
tree stands and cane stands in 2009 and at the
beginning of 2010 negatively influenced the
diversity of water bird
species as well as the species of riparian

medzi zoskupeniami vtákov a prostredím v
poddolovanej obci Koš na hornej Nitre (Z
Relations between avian assemblages and
environmental factors in a coal mining area in the
horná Nitra region (W Slovakia)
Vnútorná 3/6, 971 01 Prievidza, Slovensko;
In 2008 and 2009 a modified circular plots method
was used to study breeding bird assemblages in
depressions created due to coal mining in the area
of the village Koš (NW Slovakia). The aim was to
the most significant predictors of
species-environment variation. Altogether, 17
habitat variables were measured
for each plot. Indirect gradient analysis PCA
showed that the most important gradient of data
variability was
the landscape diversification (20.6% variance of
species data), followed by the gradient of
continuity of woody
vegetation (11.9%). Direct gradient analysis RDA
explained 25% and 76% of variance of species
variation and
species-environment variation, respectively. The
most significant of these relations are
represented by variables:
proportion of area including human constructions,
proportion of area including fields, and
proportion of area
including construction waste heaps (the latter
being associated with Fulica atra, Sylvia
communis, Phasianus
colchicus, Saxicola torquata, Anas platyrhynchos,
Cuculus canorus, Locustella fluviatilis, Pica
pica, Jynx torquilla,
and Erithacus rubecula). The last mentioned
variable is interpreted only as indicator of the
intensity of complex
human disturbances. Species richness and abundance
of birds within three types of plots distinguished
by different
frequency of land use reached index in
semi-intensive plots. These plots were
predominantly represented by
abandoned gardens, orchards and field edges with
the near occurrence of wetlands.

vodného vtáctva na území rybničnej sústavy
Iňačovce-Senné a priľahlej Národnej prírodnej
rezervácie Senné rybníky (V Slovensko)
Year-long monitoring of waterfowl species in the
fish-pond area Iňačovce-Senné and adjacent
National Nature Reserve Senné rybníky (E Slovakia)
Miloš BALLA & Ľubomír HRINKO
ŠOP SR, Správa CHKO Latorica, M. R. Štefánika
1755, 075 01 Trebišov, Slovensko;
Altogether 78 waterfowl species (of them 23
breeding) were found during one year (from March
1, 2008 till
February 28, 2009). Number of breeding species was
negatively influenced by absence of water in the
reserve and on other hand by absence suitable
breeding habitats for limicolous species in
neighbouring overflooded
fishpond area Iňačovce-Senné. It was reflected in
absence of breeding of Phalacrocorax carbo, Larus
ridibundus and Larus cachinnans in the nature
reserve, as well absence of limicols breeding in
fishponds. Only
migrant species increased their abundance in
comparison to other years. Commented list of all
78 bird species
(occurrence character, phenological data, maximum
number of observed individuals) is presented. An
of hybrid Aythya ferina × Aythya nyroca? is

územia plánovanej výstavby vodných diel Ipeľ a
Ďubákovo (Stredné Slovensko)
Bird assemblages of the area of projected water
reservoirs Ipeľ and Ďubákovo (C Slovakia)
Ústav ekológie lesa SAV, Štúrova 2, 960 53 Zvolen,
Slovensko; kristin@savzv.sk
Altogether 128 bird species (of them 85 breeding,
24 hospites and 19 permigrants) were found in all
five plots
of whole study area (total 17 km2, 305–995 m m
a.s.l.) in 1997–2009. Of them 36 species belong to
Red List of
Slovak birds (one endangered – permigrant Anas
acuta, four vulnerable (only Upupa epops as
breeding species
and permigrants Anas crecca, Aquila chryasetos and
Gallinago gallinago), 26 species in category low
risk (LR)
and five species as not evaluated (NE). Number of
breeding and other species were registered at all
five study plots
and number of breeding pairs/ 100 ha were
evaluated at two plots of projected water
reservoirs (250 vs. 200 ha).
Crex crex, Columba oenas, Dendrocopos leucotos,
Upupa epops, Saxicola rubetra, Oriolus oriolus,
fluviatilis, Corvus monedula belonged to the most
valuable breeding species. The species living at
and nearby the
water as Gavia arctica, Anas acuta, Aythya ferina,
Charadrius dubius, etc., only rarely visited the
area of water
reservoir Málinec. Potential lost of species and
habitats in the case of the building of new water
reservoirs in
these mountainous traditionally farmed habitats
are discussed.

vybraného úseku inundačného územia rieky Váh
Birds assemblages of the flood-plain of Váh river
Ústav zoológie SAV, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 06,
Bratislava, Slovensko; sonanuhlickova@gmail.com
Breeding populations of birds on the floodplain of
the river Váh were investigated during 2008–2009.
At present the
floodplain is degraded by different human
activities (regulation of river flow, habitat
fragmentation, exploitation
of wood, recreation), which negatively influenced
also orthithocenosis. Several waterfowl species
found 40 years
ago in the area (e.g Limosa limosa, Gallinago
media, Nycticorax nycticorax, Botaurus stellaris,
Aythya nyroca)
were not found at the present. However, there were
found other bird species of ecotons, bushes and
open landscape.
Altogether, 123 bird species were recorded, 46 of
them were breeding there.

vtákov Slovenska k 7. 4. 2010
A checklist of birds of Slovakia to April 7, 2010
DANKO & Vladimír ŠRANK
Nová 42, 053 02 Spišský Hrhov, Slovensko;
bbokovalik@gmail.com; Botanická záhrada UK,
038 15 Blatnica 315, Slovensko;
topercer@rec.uniba.sk; SOS/BirdLife
Slovensko, Mlynské nivy 41, 821 09 Bratislava,
Slovensko; karaska@vtaky.sk; Jána Švermu 1,
071 01 Michalovce, Slovensko; danko@gecom.sk; ZOO
Bojnice, Zámok a okolie 6, 972 01 Bojnice,
Slovensko; vladimir.srank@gmail.com
A checklist of birds of Slovakia provides an
updated information on species identity, species
richness and status
of all bird species recorded in the territory of
contemporary Slovakia between January 1, 1800 and
April 7, 2010.
The checklist is based on the decisions of the
Rarities Committee of the SOS/BirdLife Slovakia
and on the relevant
published sources. It conveys also current
knowledge on bird systematics and taxonomy as well
as scientific
and Slovak vernacular bird names. Each species is
categorized and the checklist itself comprises
only species
in categories A, B and C. The total number of
species recorded in Slovakia stands at 350, of
which 345 are in
category A, 2 in category B and 3 in category C.
Species in categories D and E are not included.

krúžkovania vtákov na Slovensku v roku 2009
Bird-ringing results in Slovakia in 2009
ŠOP SR, Správa CHKO Ponitrie, Dlhá 3, 971 01
Prievidza, Slovensko;
vladimir.slobodnik@sopsr.sk; Katedra ekológie
a environmentalistiky, Fakulta prírodných vied
UKF, Tr. A. Hlinku 1, 949 74 Nitra, Slovensko;
In 2009, 65 members of Slovak Ornithological
Society/BirdLife Slovakia ringed altogether 49253
birds, of them
4616 were nestlings (9.4%). The most numerous
ringed species were Sylvia atricapilla (4212
individuals), Parus
major (3650 ind.), Erithacus rubecula (3241 ind.),
Hirundo rustica (3081 ind.), Parus caeruleus (2209
and Carduelis spinus (2036 ind.). The ringed birds
belonged to 182 species. Lists of ten most
frequently ringed
passerines and ten non-passerines are given. The
most frequently ringed young are also discussed.
Results of 14
individuals re-trapped in Slovakia and ringed
abroad as well as 17 individuals ringed in
Slovakia and re-trapped
abroad are given.

správa Faunistickej komisie Slovenskej
ornitologickej spoločnosti/BirdLife Slovensko
The 10th report of the Rarities Committee of the
Slovak Ornithological Society/BirdLife Slovakia
Vladimír ŠRANK
Zoologická záhrada Bojnice, 972 01 Bojnice,
Slovensko; vladimir.srank@gmail.com,
In 2009 the Rarities Committee of the Slovak
Ornithological Society/Birdlife Slovakia discussed
in total 26
announcements from which 24 were accepted. In the
category A (new species for Slovakia) were
accepted 2
observations: Cygnus atratus, Xema sabini. In the
category B (new nidificants for Slovakia ) was
accepted 1
observation: Grus grus. In the category C (any
occurrence and nesting of the species must by
reported) were
accepted 21 observations of the following species:
Aix galericulata, Aix sponsa, Ardea modesta,
Aythya ferina
x Aythya nyroca, Haematopus ostralegus, Larus
michahellis, Motacilla citreola (3 observations),
bonelli, Phylloscopus collybita abietinus,
Phylloscopus proregulus, Somateria mollissima (4
Stercorarius parasiticus (3 observations),
Thalasseus sandvicensis, Threskiornis aethiopicus.
