Tichodroma 17 (2005)

Original papers

Short communications Others Abstracts and full-texts

Denná aktivita trsteniarikov (Acrocephalus spp.) v pohniezdnom období sledovaná metódou odchytu vtákov do nárazových sietí
Daily activity of Acrocephalus warblers in postbreeding period evaluated by mist-nettings
Alfréd TRNKA, Vladimír HOŠEK & Péter SZINAJ
Katedra biológie, Trnavská Univerzita, Priemyselná 4, 918 43 Trnava, Slovensko; atrnka@truni.sk; 943 65 Kamenica nad Hronom 159, Slovensko 3Sport u. 12, 2120 Dunakeszi, Maďarsko
Movement patterns of five Acrocephalus warblers were studied using the mist-netting method in postbreeding periods 1999–2004 in the National Nature Reserve Parížske močiare marsh (SW Slovakia). There were not found differences in diurnal patterns of occurrence of the individual birds. The peaks in the birds’ activity were observed within 2.2–2.4 hours after the sunrise and 3.1–3.6 hours before the sunset. However, differences were found between the morning and evening activities. In evenings, the most active were the marsh and reed warblers; the lowest activity was observed in the moustached and sedge warblers. There were also found significant differences in daily activities between the juvenile and adult reed warblers. These patterns primarily reflect the migratory and foraging strategies of the studied birds.

Vnútrodruhová variabilita hlasových prejavov dudka chochlatého (Upupa epops) v rôznych fázach hniezdneho obdobia 
Intra-species variability of song in the Hoopoe (Upupa epops) during the breeding season
Lucia TURČOKOVÁ, Ľudovít KOCIAN, Alexander KŪRTHY & Csaba BALÁZS
Přírodovědecká fakulta, Univerzita Palackého, Tř. Svobody 26, 711 11 Olomouc, Česko; alcedo@azet.sk; Katedra zoológie, Univerzita Komenského, Mlynská dolina 842 15 Bratislava 4, Slovensko; ŠOP SR, Správa CHKO Záhorie, Vajanského 17, 901 01 Malacky, Slovensko; ŠOP SR, Správa CHKO Cerová vrchovina, Železničná 31, 979 01 Rimavská Sobota, Slovensko
The study of song structure and function in the Hoopoe (Upupa epops) was caried out from 2003 to 2004 in the Záhorie region and the Cerová vrchovina hills (West and Central Slovakia). The main structure of song is very simple. A song consists of strophes. The strophes of a male differ only in the number of elements that they include (strophe length = strophe type). The observed males used strophe consisting of only 3 types – between one and five elements per strophe. As the strophe length increased, the number of strophes per minute decreased. Long time of singing caused that song rate and number of strophes per minute decreased. Most males were constant in the strophe-length range that they used during the breeding season (72.2%, n = 13). Changes in the song occured in 5 cases (27.8%). Number of elements per strophe decreased and strophe length decreased. The time of singing seems to reflect the strophe length. Decrease in strophe length occurs after a long period of continual singing. The strophe length does not have an impact on the period of singing time. The singing activity of Hoopoes is concentrated mainly in the morning; however, the maximum levels occur two hours after the sunrise. Male singing activity is high during the prelaying phase, both before and during the first phase of breeding period. In this time, song is used to attract females. It decreases after the pair formation and remains very low to the end of the breeding attempt. During this phase, the paired males use short songs to defend their territory, females and to repel intruders. Non-breeding males spend long periods of time singing and trying to attract females during the whole breeding season. Their songs are as long as the songs of the paired males during the prelaying phase.

Výskyt a početnosť kormorána veľkého na Slovensku v zime 2004/2005
Occurrence and abundance of the Great Cormorant in Slovakia in winter 2004/2005
Tibor KRAJČ & Jozef RIDZOŇ
Slovenský rybársky zväz, Andreja Kmeťa 20, 010 55 Žilina, Slovensko; oetv@srzrada.sk; Spoločnosť pre ochranu vtáctva na Slovensku, Mlynské nivy 41, 821 09 Bratislava, Slovensko; ridzon@sovs.sk
Slovak Fishing Association, the Society for the Protection of Birds in Slovakia, and the State Nature Conservancy organized a joint monitoring of the Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) running in January, February and March 2005. The aim of this unique action was to estimate a number of its wintering population in Slovakia as consensus of all mappers. The Cormorants were registered on their night-roosting sites between the sunset and the dark, simultaneously on the same day in each month. There were recorded 7521–8436 individuals of Cormorants on 59 roosting sites in January. We expect that this number was equal to the total wintering population of this species in Slovakia. Altogether 6799–8719 individuals were observed in 26 night-roosting sites and other 29 dwelling sites in February and 6292–7401 individuals in 23 night-roosting sites and 28 sites in March.

Zimovanie volaviek bielych (Egretta alba Linnaeus, 1758) na Slovensku 
Wintering of Great White Egrets (Egretta alba Linnaeus, 1758) in Slovakia
Katedra zoológie, Univerzita Komenského, Mlynská dolina B-1, 842 15 Bratislava; grujbarova@fns.uniba.sk
The first record of wintering Great White Egrets comes from 5th February 1961 from locality Malý Dunaj – Topoľníky. Number of records and abundance of wintering Great White Egrets increased in following years. Nowadays, Great White Egrets are regular winter guests in Slovakia, mainly in the area of Podunajská rovina plain and Borská nížina lowland. This work offers complete chronological survey of records of wintering Great White Egrets in Slovakia in years 1961–2004.

Zimovanie vodných vtákov na strednom toku rieky Hron 
Wintering of water birds in the middle reaches of the Hron River
M. R. Štefánika 16, 960 01 Zvolen; bigger12@seznam.cz; Ústav ekológie lesa SAV, Štúrova 2, 960 53 Zvolen; kristin@savzv.sk
Monitoring of the middle reaches of the Hron River was performed during three winter periods 2002/2003, 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 (November – March). On 11 controlled localities (totally ca 100 km), were found 30 water bird species. The most frequent and abundant species were Anas platyrhynchos, Phalacrocorax carbo and Ardea cinerea (relative frequency 100%). Mergus merganser (72.7%), Tachybaptus ruficollis (63.6%), Anas crecca (54.5%) and Fulica atra (45.5%) were registered on Hron River very frequently, too. No significant seasonal trend was found, except decrease towards to the end of season, depending on spring migration. Abundance of species strongly fluctuated during winter, in accord with the level of freeze.

Zimné sčítanie vodného a iného vtáctva na Záhorí 2004–2005
Winter waterfowl and other bird species census in Záhorie region 2004–2005 
Department of Zoology, Comenius University, Mlynská dolina B1, 84215 Bratislava, Slovakia; grujbarova@fns.uniba.sk; AURING – Biologische Station Hohenau, Ringelsdorf, Weststraße 7, 2273 Hohenau/March, Austria; thomas.zuna-kratky@blackbox.at; AOPK ČR, Lidická 25/27, 657 20 Brno, Czech Republic; david_horal@nature.cz
The bird census was carried out in Záhorie region in winter season 2004–2005. Number of 29 counters covered 65 localities. The whole section of the Morava River in the Slovak territory and number of standing waters were monitored during the census. Besides the species living in winter in connection with water, we have monitored also other species, especially raptors and corvids. In total, 54 bird species were recorded. The list of records from the census offers a detailed overview of particular observations.

Hniezdna ornitocenóza porastu asociácie Salici-Populetum vo fáze rozpadu v inundačnom území Dunaja 
Breeding bird assemblage of the forest stand of Salici-Populetum association in decay stage in an innundation zone of the Danube River
Jaroslav ILEK
Katedra ekosozológie a fyziotaktiky, Univerzita Komenského, Mlynská dolina, 842 15 Bratislava, Slovensko; jaroilek@gmail.com
Breeding bird assemblage was investigated in a fragment of natural mature flood plain forest (54 years old, area of 3.6 ha in an inundation zone of Danube River) during breeding periods 2003 and 2004. There is altitudinally differentiated landscape with flooded as well as non-flooded areas in the studied plot, however, during the breeding period; the majority of the area is flooded. Vegetation covers comprise of the complex of Salici-Populetum phragmiteto-caricetosum, Salici-Populetum typicum and Salici-Populetum myosotidetosum subassociations. Breeding bird assemblage was investigated using spot-mapping method, combined with the direct nest detection. Assemblage was characterised by density (pairs/ 10ha), dominance and Shannon’s Index of Diversity (H’). A total of 30 breeding bird species (H’ = 2.63) was recorded during the research. Total density was 422 pairs/ 10 ha; dominant was Sturnus vulgaris (19.2%), Passer montanus (15.5%) and Sylvia atricapilla (12.4%). The largest part of the assemblage was created by tree-hollow nesting species (52.3%).

Vtáctvo agrocenóz vybraných lokalít Hronskej pahorkatiny (JZ Slovensko) 
Birds of agrocoenoses in selected localities of the Hronská pahorkatina hills (SW Slovakia)
SNP 123, 935 41 Tekovské Lužany, Slovensko; demeterg@post.sk; Ústav ekológie lesa SAV, Štúrova 2, 960 53 Zvolen, Slovensko; kristin@savzv.sk
Within the environmental impact assessment before building of a wind electric power station, there were studied ornithocoenoses in two localities within an intensively used agricultural landscape in SW Slovakia. The study ran for 12 months. The first study area was a 9.5 km long transect across the territory of the planned power station, the second one, an equivalent control locality of the same size, was situated 4–8 km N from the first. Altogether 106 bird species (30 of them nidificants) were found in both localities, from which near Želiezovce it was in total 93 species (30 of them nidificants) and near Tekovské Lužany 88 species (29 nidificants). There were analyzed qualitative and quantitative structure of the ornithocoenoses, the seasonal changes and flight levels of the species. In comparison with the literature, there were found a negative population trend and extinction in characteristic steppe-land species over the past 50 years. According to the preliminary monitoring, there can be expected neither a danger of direct collisions of birds with wind turbines nor irrecoverable losses in foraging and breeding habitats. However, the disturbing impact of the wind park on some sensible species is disputable. The present landscape structure was evaluated, too. Occurrence of some rare bird species, e.g. Botaurus stellaris, Ciconia nigra, Milvus migrans, Milvus milvus, Aquila heliaca, Haliaeetus albicilla, Circus pygargus, Falco peregrinus, Plectrophenax nivalis, is commented.

Vzostup hniezdnej populácie orliaka morského (Haliaeetus albicilla) v strednej Európe: prvý záznam hniezdenia na východnom Slovensku 
Increasing of breeding population of White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) in central Europe: first record from east Slovakia
Štefan DANKO
Zemplínske múzeum, Kostolné námestie 1, 071 01 Michalovce, Slovensko; dankost@pobox.sk
In 1980–1990 was recorded increased abundance and range trend of the White-tailed Eagle throughout the Europe. This trend influenced positively also situation during breeding period in E Slovakia. The most frequent observations were recorded in riparian forests of the Latorica River in Východoslovenská rovina floodplain, but without confirmed breeding till now. In 2002 built one pair the nest in Vihorlatské vrchy Mts. near Zemplínska šírava water reservoir, but this pair did not bred neither in 2002, nor in 2003. First breeding was documented and confirmed in 2004, when fledged two chicks. Similar breeding success was recorded in 2005, too.

Hniezdi potápač veľký (Mergus merganser) na Slovensku? 
Does the Goosander (Mergus merganser) breed in Slovakia?
Peter LEŠO & Rudolf KROPIL
Katedra ochrany lesa a poľovníctva, Technická univerzita vo Zvolene, Masarykova 20, 960 53 Zvolen, Slovensko; leso@vsld.tuzvo.sk, kropil@vsld.tuzvo.sk
The Goosander (Mergus merganser) was repetitively observed during May 31, 2004 – June 12, 2004 at the river Hron near the village Jalná (central Slovakia). Altogether, two adult males and one adult female were found within four consecutive controls. The last observation of individuals was conducted on June 12, 2004, after this date no individual was recorded during several spontaneous and detailed visits (also using a boat). It is not known when the goosanders came to the locality. Although there is no direct evidence about the goosanders’s nesting, the repetitive observations during the breeding period as well as close affinity to the site show the high probability of nesting there. The individuals occurred within the locality, consisted mostly of the approximately 1.5 km long river basin with two small islands together with riparian habitats. The banks with 10–40 m wide riparian forest were considered to be suitable for the species’s nesting. Totally, 46 another bird species were found within the studied area. Furthermore, the possibility of this rare species breeding at the studied locality as well as within the whole territory of Slovakia is discussed in the paper.

K hniezdnej biológii strakošov sivých (Lanius excubitor) v okolí Piešťan (Z Slovensko)
Zur Brutbiologie des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) in der Umgebung von Piešťany (Westslowakei)
Scherera 36, 921 01 Piešťany, Slovensko; koci@homecredit.sk; A. Dubčeka 14, 921 01 Piešťany, Slovensko
Die Brutbiologie des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) wurde in der Westslowakei (besonders entlang den Auwäldern im Flussgebiet Váh zwischen den Städten Piešťany und Nové Mesto nad Váhom, 48°36’N, 17°49’E – 48°45’ N, 17°50’E, 162–168 m NN) studiert. In 2003–2004 wurden 51 Paare dokumentiert, mit der höchsten Dichte 21 Paare auf der Fläche von 8,7 km2. Die grösste lokale Dichte war sogar 4 Paare/ 10 ha. Die Bau des Nestes began in einem Fall schon am 9. März, in zweiter und dritter Märzdekade haben schon mehrere Paare mit Netsbau begonnen. Die kleinste Entfernung zwischen zwei Nestern war 220 m und 270 m. In der Diskussion wurden auch mehrere Beiträge zu Verhalten und Ethologie analysiert.

Zimovanie strakoša sivého (Lanius excubitor) v širšom okolí Piešťan (Z Slovensko) 
Überwinterung des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) in breiterer Umgebung von Piešťany (Westslowakei)
Scherera 36, 921 01 Piešťany, Slovensko; koci@homecredit.sk; A. Dubčeka 14, 921 01 Piešťany, Slovensko
Quantitative Daten von den überwinternden Raubwürgern wurden zwischen Hlohovec und Trenčín in cca 60 km langen Transekt gesammelt. Tägliche Beobachtungen wurden mit dem Abfang und Beringung der Vögel ergänzt. Die grösste Dichte erreichte 6 Paare/ 1,9 km2 und 16 Individuen/ 3,5 km 2 in (Quadrat DFS 7173). Die Überwinterung war in 5 neuen Quadraten bestätigt (7470, 7471, 7371, 7270, 7670). Maximum 15 % der Raubwürger bleibt in Winterrevier länger als 2 Wochen (nicht länger als 1 Monat). Nur 5 % von winterden Population bleibt dort während ganzen Winter. Ein Populationsanwachs wurde in Winter 2002/2003 und 2003/2004 festgestelt.

Šíri sa včelárik zlatý (Merops apiaster) severným smerom? K výskytu a potrave v Podpoľaní a okolí Zvolena (stredné Slovensko) 
Is Bee-eater (Merops apiaster) spreading northwards? To occurrence and diet in the Podpoľanie and Zvolen area (central Slovakia)  
Ústav ekológie lesa SAV, Štúrova 2, 960 53 Zvolen, Slovensko; kristin@savzv.sk
First records of the Bee-eater were registered in the study area in 1998, although the area was regularly monitored since 1989. Later, in 1999–2005 there were observed its spreading in the Zvolen and Podpoľanie areas. In 2005, there were found altogether 15–22 pairs at six nest localities (440–620 m a.s.l.), in three squares of Data Bank of Slovak Fauna, where the breeding was not documented yet. The first spring observation was registered on May 8, 2005 in the Podpoľanie area, the last individuals were observed on August 15, 2005. Mean length of breeding tunnels was shorter (< 100 cm) than in sandy areas of Southern Slovakia (mean 130 cm). There was found high breeding success in 2005(80%). In breeding territories in Hriňová and Podpoľanie area bred regularly the species like Lanius minor, Lanius collurio, Sylvia nisoria, Miliaria calandra, Turdus pilaris, further there were observed also species of Carpathian forests Picoides tridactylus, Nucifraga caryocatactes, Bonasa bonasia. In breeding territories in locality Gavurky bred species Lullula arborea, L. collurio, S. nisoria, M. calandra, Upupa epops, Dendrocopos medius, Picus viridis, Jynx torquilla, etc. Altogether 34 insect species from 32 genera and seven orders were found in the food using analysis of 71 pellets and food remains (n = 401 prey objects) in May – August 2005 in study localities. High eudominant food components were hymenopterans(82%), mainly bees(54.3%, ratio of working bees and drones was 4:1), bumble bees (13%) and wasps (8.7%), less beetles, mainly from families Carabidae and Scarabeidae.

Jesenný tok vrabcov poľných (Passer montanus) a jeho úloha v prežití zimy
Autumn sexual display in Tree Sparrows (Passer montanus) and its role in winter survival 
Centre for Ecological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, 05 092 Łomianki, Dziekanów Leśny, Poland; pinowska@interia.pl
Tree sparrows (Passer montanus) leave their breeding colonies after the fledging of the young. In first days of September, the moulted birds come round back to the breeding colonies: males followed by females and fledged young. They perform their autumnal courtship – creating pairs, building nests and copulating. The young hatched at the second or the third breeding, in dependence on the onset of winter, stop the nest building in different phases or they completely abandon the finishing. The tree sparrows have their winter roosting sites in nests built at time of their autumnal courtship. There have been conducted experiments showing that, unlike in the roosting outside holes, the energy savings are directly proportional to the stage of the building accomplishment, and the completely finished nests feathered with own feather provide energy savings up to 36%. It is possible that the just described confirmed wintering of sparrows from earlier hatchings results from their more favourable odds to build their own autumnal nests.

Poznávanie vtáctva Krupinskej planiny
Bird observations history in the Krupinská planina Plateau
Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Centrum ochrany prírody a krajiny, Lazovná 10, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovensko; urban@sopsr.sk
The Krupinská planina Plateau is an extensive remnant of an upland belonging to the volcanic neogenic structures in central Slovakia. The highly diversified fauna survives here thanks to the fairly well preserved ecosystems. Their diversity enables the overlapping of Mathran and Carpathian species. The high value of the landscape is apparent in localities with traditional ways of management – scattered small farms. In this part of Slovakia is situated the village of Cerovo. Here was born Prof. Dr. O. Ferianc 100 years ago (July 8, 1905). The paper is a compilation summarising the history of ornithological studies and observations pursued on birds of the Krupinská planina, beginning with J. Šalamún Dobromil Petian–Petényi (1834) and J. Schenk (1918) up to the present time: O. Ferianc, Z. Feriancová-Masárová, J. Vachold, J. Salaj, J. Darola, Š. Pavlík, A. Krištín and P. Kušík.

Prehľad krúžkovania vtákov na Slovensku v roku 2004 
Bird-ringing results in Slovakia in 2004
ŠOP SR, Správa Chránenej krajinnej oblasti Ponitrie, Dlhá 3, 971 01 Prievidza, Slovensko; vslobod@sopsr.sk
In 2004, 61 members of Slovak Ornithological Society ringed altogether 33693 birds, of them 6062 were nestlings (17.9%). The most frequently ringed species were Sylvia atricapilla (3084 ind.), Larus ridibundus (2891 ind.), Erithacus rubecula (2472 ind.), Carduelis spinus (1822 ind.) and Acrocephalus scirpaceus (1067 ind.). The ringed birds belonged to 173 species. Lists of ten most frequently ringed passerines and ten non-passerines are given. The most frequently ringed young are also discussed. Ringing of 18 species of European importance and 22 national protected species is analysed. Results of re-trapping of two species ringed abroad and found in Slovakia as well as nine species ringed in Slovakia and retrapped abroad are given.

5. správa Slovenskej faunistickej komisie pre ornitológiu
The 5th report of the Slovak Rarities Committee
Oravské múzeum P. O. Hviezdoslava, 027 41 Oravský Podzámok, Slovensko; karaska@sovs.sk
In the years 2001–2003 the Rarities Committee of the Slovak Ornithological Society discussed in total 58 announcements. 51 announcements were accepted. In the category I (new species for Slovakia – not documented yet) were accepted 6 observations of following species: Acrocephalus dumetorum, Bubulcus ibis, Phalacrocorax aristotelis (3 observations) and Phylloscopus proregulus. In the category III (species, which nested in the part of Slovakia, where their breeding was not documented yet) was accepted one nesting record of Luscinia luscinia in West Slovakia. In the category IV (any occurrence of the species must be reported) were accepted 42 observations of the following species: Acrocephalus paludicola, Branta bernicla, Branta ruficollis, Buteo rufinus (4 observations), Calidris canutus, Calcarius lapponicus (2 observations), Circus macrourus (2 observations), Emberiza cia, Gallinago media (4 observations), Grus grus, Gyps fulvus, Larus marinus (2 observations), Loxia leucoptera, Motacilla flava feldegg, Numenius phaeopus, Nyctea scandiaca, Phalaropus fulicarius, Phylloscopus inornatus, Phylloscopus trochiloides (2 observations), Pinicola enucleator, Plegadis falcinellus, Somateria mollissima (2 observations), Surnia ulula, Tadorna ferruginea (4 observations), Tadorna tadorna, Tringa stagnatilis (3 observations). In the category V (any nesting of the species must be reported) were accepted nest occurrences of Larus cachinnans and probable nesting of hybrid pair Motacilla citreola / Motacilla flava.

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