Tichodroma 6 (1993)
Original papers and short communications
Sládek J.: Beitrag zur Erforschung des Schreiadlers (Aquila pomarina) in der Slowakei
Blahušiak M.: K
nowledge on nesting of Golden Eagle in the Veľká Fatra Mts. in 1992
Mošanský A. & Pačenovský S.: B
reeding of the Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) in bush and lithoral growings of Slovakia
Danko Š.: T
he Short-toed Lark (Calandrella brachydactyla) – a new species of the bird-fauna in Czechoslovakia
Kocian Ľ. & Franeková M.: A
contribution to the knowledge of the ornithocenoses of three parks in Bratislava
Kaňučšák P.: C
oloured and biometric variability of river warblers who breed in the valley of the river Váh in wider surroundings of Piešťany
Kubán V.: Interessante Vogelbeobachtungen in der Umgebung von Piešťany
Molnár B. & Országhová Z.: N
otes on the avifauna at Rusovce (Slovakia)
Briedik D., Čarnogurský J. & Šipkovský I.: B
irds of the plain groves in the Dudvážska mokraď area
Eliáš P.: N
esting colony of Corvus frugilegus in Trnava (western slovakia)
Trnka R. & Čajka R.: C
ontribution to number and nesting Lariformes on the Orava lake in years 1989–1993
Šotnár K.:
Observations on the breeding biology of the Wheatear (O. oenanthe)
Krištín A.: C
ontribution to ecology and distribution of hoopoe
Feriancová-Masárová Z.: Character of the bird’s threat status in Slovakia and the proposal of the red list
Mojžiš M.: A
vifauna of the gravel-pit near
Veľká nad Ipľom
(district Lučenec)
Svetlík J.: O
ystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus L.) in the Danube
Okáli I.: Ornithological collections in the Slovak National Museum and contribution of B. Matoušek on their creation
Trnka A.: O
rnithological researches of RNDr. B. Matoušek, CSc. on ponds near Trnava and their importance for knowledge of birds in Slovakia
Hudec K.: Faunistic research in ornithology
B. Matoušek
SOS/BirdLife Slovakia (2009–201