Tichodroma 5 (1993)
Original papers and short communications
Darolová A. & Kalivodová E.: Birds of the fish-ponds in Žitný ostrov island (Podunajská nížina lowland)
Pačenovský S.:
To activity and food consumption of Pygmy Owl
Honza M.:
Foranging patterns of Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus) in breeding season
Trnka A.:
The development of an avian community on ponds near Trnava from 1955 to 1991
Trnka A.: The development of an avian community on ponds near Trnava from 1955 to 1991
Pavlík Š.:
The population density of Dendrocopos major and D. medius in oak tree forests in the breeding time as a result of their mutual food competition
Urban P.:
Notes to breeding of Dipper (Cinclus cinclus L.) along some streams of central Slovakia
Kondelka D.:
Birds observed in the district Dolný Kubín in July 1989
Karaska D.: Beitrag zur Verbreitung und Biologie des Schwarzstorches im Bezirk Dolný Kubín
Korňan M.:
Effect of the construction of the artificial dam Hričov on seasonal dynamics of water birds
Bohuš M.:
Comparison of two different forest stands bird communities in Danube river inundation
Tirinda A.:
Micromammals as components of food of some owls in the Galanta district
Randík A.: Vogelgemeinschaften der verschiedenen Waldtypen des Nationalparks Pieniny
Babjaková A., Krumpál M. & Cyprich D.:
Occurrence of nonspecifical fleas species (Siphonaptera) from the nests of Sand Martin (Riparia riparia) in Slovakia
Darolová A.: Eine ungew
nliche Brutung des Sabelschnäblers (Recurvirostra avosetta L., 1758) in
donautiefebene (Podunajská rovina)
Hell P. & Chobot J.: Wird die Grosstrappe bei uns aussterben?
Šušlík V.:
Orthoptera as a potential trophic base of birds in the area of Vrchdetva
Saniga M.:
Some knowledge on the Wallcreeper (Tichodroma muraria L.) in the Malá and Veľká Fatra mountains
Trnka R.:
Spreading and breeding bionomy of Stonechat (Saxicola torquata L.) in Orava region
Kropil R.: Bemerkungen
das vorkommen einiger Vogelarten im gebiet Gabčíkovo
Mojžiš M.: Birds on water pools near Rapovce and Mikušovce in Lučenská kotlina Basin
Kropil R.: The analyse of the bird ringing activity on Slovakia in 1991
Bohačík L.: Die Erinnerungen auf Orava
Kropil R.: 5. Mittelslowakische ornithologische Konferenz mit gesaamstatlicher Teilnahme
Chronicle (
A. Štollmann
J. Chrenóci-Naď
F. Balát
O. Suchánek
SOS/BirdLife Slovakia (2009–201